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I had been forced out of bed just to go round gran's and celebrate the engagement then after words I was going round dads.

Gran was falling head over heels about the fact there was going to be a wedding that she could plan.

"So mum how did Killian ask the question?" I asked
"On a romantic cruise on the jolly Rodger" Henry suggested
"Or did he make smee and the rest of the crew serende you"

"Well i sort of found the ring" mum laughed
"Of course you did" I said as mum shit me a cinfused glance
"You hate surprised remember when I was 5 I made you a birthday card at school when you asked me what was in my bad I told you it was a surprise then later I find you in my bag looking at the card" I reminded mum
"I was looking through your bag for news letters" mum defend herself.

"Keep telling your self that" I laughed.

"I can't wait to plan a wedding" gran smiled
"Oh mum about that we are going to wait before we jump into wedding planning " mum said to grand dismay
"Why" we all signed

"Gideon is still free out that and I don't feel like I can focus in anything till I know we are safe from him" mum explained.

"Well your gonna have too" Regina said as her and zelena walked through the door.

"What's happened?" Mum asked
"The evil queen" Regina said
"What about her"

"Is that engagment ring I see" Zelena questioned as she grabbed mums hand to see the ring.

"Yes it is, hook proposed" mum said off gaued but zelena and Regina both shares the same look of happiness.

"Emma I'm happy for you I really am" Regina said and for the first time in 6 years mums nd Regina were actually being nice to each other.

"So What happened to the queen" I asked
"She escaped, if she has worked out away to get out of her mortal cool, then there's no telling what she could be planning" Regina said worried

Then everyone left in their own directions and I headed to my dad's.

I had been home about an hour as I had spent the night and my Dad's.

I could here shouting from downstairs and it sounded like mum and hook they had only been engaged 2 days and they were already arguing.
The arguing got louder and me Henry were sitting at the top of our stairs watching and hoping it wouldn't and badly then our questions were answered as we saw mum ran up the stairs in tears and I ran to her side she jumped in her bed and just cried.

"Hey mum" I said snuggling into her side
"He He lies to me" mum cried
"He found something out and kept to himself with out coming to me."

I'm sorry I haven't updated in ages just started a new job and that's been taking up alot of time sorry but from now on I am going to try and update regularly again.

I'm sorry this chapter is really short and very uneventful.

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