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I was siting in a booth on my own drinking hot chocolate and thinking about my birth parents, what they might look like and where they could be.
Some one sat down opposite me brining me back to reality, it was Regina.

"Hey Ellen, are you okay" Regina asked
"Yeah I am fine" I said unconvincing
"Ellen you can tell me what's bothering you" Regina said
"It's nothing" I said bluntly
"It cant be nothing if your worrying about it" Regina said sounding like mum

"I am just thinking about my birth parents we are looking for my dad but we haven't had any hope yet and I am starting to think that I may never find him and on top of that I need to start thinking about sixth for I always had my hopes to go to sixifh form with my friends in"m told Regina
"Boston" Regina interupted me
"Yeah Boston but we are here now my family is here and I haven't seen any colleges or sixth forms in storybrooke" I explained.

"There is one its just hidden, have you got any idea what you might want to study?" Regina asked
"I always wanted to help poeple and maybe study childcare then I found out about play therapist and feel in love with it, I did a week of work experience in a nursery near is when we lived in phoenix" I told Regina
"That sounds amazing, we do have a college here and maybe I could take you and we could go look round it together and you could get experiance with Archie and I also understand that you want to go to college with your friends" Regina said
"Thanks Regina and I would love too" I said.

"Does your mum now about what you want to do" Regina asked
"No not yet I am waiting for the right time" I said
"I am sure you will find the right time, I want you to know even if me and your mum have our problems I will always be here if you need some one to talk to and why don't you go talk to Archie now" Regina said
"Thanks Regina" I said as I got up and walked over to Archie.

"Hey Archie" I said
"Hey Ellen, every thing okay?" Archie said
"Everything is fine, I was wondering could I possible get some work experience at your office" I asked
"I would love to have you, you could do Saturdays" arhie said
"That would be great" I smiled
"Have you talked to your mum about this" Archie asked
Before I could say anything I was beaten to it.
"What has she talked to me about?" Mum said I didn't even realised that she was in granny's.
"guessing not then" Archie said then left me with mum.

"What do you need to talk to me about?" Mum asked me
"To do experience with Archie on Saturdays" I explained
"Oh okay I didn't know you were thinking about being a therapist" Mum was starting to get annoyed.
"I do and I don't I have been thinking about play therapist and I thought the more experience I have under my belt it way help me make a decision" I said

"That's good thinking but why didn't you talk to me about it" mum asked
"Well it sort of just happened and when I thought of it was a days before we came here and since then you have been busy" I told her
"I am sorry Ellen" mum said
"No need to be sorry" I said as I went back to my hot chocolate.

Next day
I was upstairs eating cereal and getting dressed for school when mum shouted "ELLEN"
I went down the stairs and meet mum
"What is this?" Mum handed me a piece of paper I looked closly and saw it was an advertisement for storybrooke sixith form open evening, all I could think was Regina.
Then I turned it around and it said
To Ellen,
I know that everything that has gone on with me and your mum may made you think that I forgot about our deal, I know you will need to talk to your mum about this but I hope that we will still be able to do it.

I looked up at mum and thought oh crap.
"Explain now" mum basically shouted at me
"It was yesterday I was siting on my own and Regina came over to talk, she said that there was a sixith form here and that she would more than happily show me around, she is the reason I asked Archie about helping him out" I explained
"Why Regina?" Mum said
"Well, she asked if everything was okay and I was annoyed at the time about not  being able to find my birth dad and needed to talk to some one not in my family, I am sorry " I said
"It's fine next time you feel like that tell me okay I am always here and you can go but I will be coming to" mum said
"Fine" I said nodding.

*after school*

"Ellen you ready?" Mum shouted as I ran down the stairs and nodding.
Today was the day for my first driving lesson I was so excited I couldn't wait.

"Lets go" I said
"Emma, i have you warned the town that shes on the road" gramps said
"Oh shh" I said
"Bye luv be safe" hook said to mum then we left and got in mums bug.

"Okay so go carefully, put your foot on that pedal take the hand brake off" mum said as we started driving round story Brooke.
"Careful" mum kept saying but I thought I was doing quite well.
"Slow down" mum said
"How?" I asked taking my eyes of the road that wasn't a good idea.
"Foot of the gas" mum said panicing abit

"Ellen look on the road" mum shouted
"Look out" mum said as I nearly hit a car, well that cat shouldn't of tried to risk his life and run onto the road.

"Ellen stop" mum shouted as I put on the breaks probably a bit to hard.
"Softer next time" mum said

The rest of the journey was like that mum shouting at me and every now and again I would shout back but not all the time, we returned home in one peice I think I am getting the hand of driving.

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