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It's been quite in storybrooke since the curse of shattered sight broke and since gold went across the line, we have all just been going about our daily business.

"Ellen, are you ready? Regina will be here any minute" mum shouted
"Yes just coming" I said as I quickly put my denim jacket over my tribal print vest top and brushed my hair, today was the sixith form open day and to say I was excited and nervous was an understatement.

"Are you ready?" Regina said to mum as I came down the stairs
"Can I put my shoes on?" I asked they both nodded as I put on my blue converse

"Have a good time" gran said to me
"Swan are you sure you don't want me to come?" Hook asked mum for the 5th millionth time this week.
"I am sure it's just a open day nothing dangerous is going to happen" mum said trying to reasure hook.

"Lets go" Regina sort of shouted
"Bye everyone" me and mum said
The drive to the sixith form was quite till mum broke the silence saying "So Ellen, what course are we looking at?"
"Child care but I researched the sixith form I found out that I have to take 4 subjects so we are looking round" I said

"Here" Regina shouted while pointing to a busy car park.

We got out and walked to the entrance as we got there a girl about two years older than me handed us a map.
"So we're we going first?" Regina asked
"Child cares closest"I said

We walked about a minute till we came to a room that had lots of childcare related picture around the door frame, as we walked into the room we were greeted by one of the teacher's.

"Hey there I am one of the teacher's on the childcare course my name is Alan key" he introduced himself
"Hey I'm Ellen swan" I told him
"Are this two ladies your mum's" he said as I tried to with hold my laughter, Regina and mums faces were a picture.
"Me, her"
"Me and her never, she's in a relationship with someone else" Regina said
It was funny to watch they looked like a couple from a comedy show.
"Oh I am sorry I just thought" Alan said apologetic and embarrassed
"It's fine don't worry, this is my mum Emma swan and this is my little brothers adoptive mum Regina and she also is the mayor" I said trying not to laugh
"So are you interested in childcare" Alan asked
"Yes I am" I told him
"Well have a look round the room and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask" he told us.

"Don't you laugh" mum said to me as we looked round the room then a book caught my it said "helping children through play" I opened it to a random page and the page was all about children expressing emotions through play, mum caught me looking at this page and said "I think you found your first course option"
"Yes I have let's go my 2nd, 3rd and 4th" I said mum and Regina just smiled.

The next room we came to was chemistry I immediatly fell in love and mum could tell as I had this massive smile on my face we walked round for a bit and looked at all the different experiments but one made me stop and look their was one boy on his own doing the screaming jelly baby experiment he even let me have a go it was so much fun, he told me all about the course and how much fun it is.
"2nd option found" Regina said looking at me as I nodded and we walked out looking for my next option .

We went into about 3 other class rooms till we found the psychology class we got there just in time for a talk we found three chairs I was pulled by mum to sit in between her and Regina just in case some one thought they were together I am still trying not to laugh.
The talk was very interesting all about how we think and interact with each other, mum and Regina lent infront of me and said "3rd option found" I just smiled as we got up in search for option 4.

we turned the corner into the creative writing class mum turned to Regina and said "we have found option 4 and watch Ellen get really really excited" mum said as I was looking around at all booklets on the tables I didn't realise how big my smile on my face was, mum walked over to me as I was reading some ones price of writing about a haunted woods and ghosts.
I looked up at mum and said "4th option found"
"Your mum worked that out the minute we walked in this room" Regina said then one of the teacher's came round and said "by your facial express you will be joining us, the entry requirements are 7 GCSEs at a grade C or above and we would like you to write a peice of creative writing about anything that inspires you, it can be a story, poetry, dairy entry, descriptive writing it doesn't matter we just want to see your writing and your skills so pour your heart and soul into it"
then we left the room and headed to the car park I was given an application.

"So what did you two think?" I asked as we got in the car
"It's very nice" Regina said
"You seemed to like and found your 4 courses" mum said as we started to pull away.
"Yeha it was nice there, I especially liked the childcare and creative writing and the child care teacher" I told them smiling
"Oh shh" they both said.

It was a good day espically that mum and Regina were getting along.

We got in and I went stright to the table and filled out the application everyone saw
"So she hates it then" gramps said sarcastically
"I have chosen child care, chemistry, psycology and crearive writing" I told them
"So your applying" gran asked
"yep but I need to write a creative writing piece then I can send in my application" I said
"You will do fine" mum said
"So anything interesting happen while you were there?" Hook asked mum and Regina gave me a look but I had to tell them

"One of the teachers thought Regina and mum were a couple you should of seen their faces" I said letting my laughter out and so did Henry
"I told you swan I should of gone with you" hook said defensively
"Hook trust me it was so funny, they got so defensive that poor teacher he went bright red" I explained.
"It wasn't funny" mum said
"Oh yes it was" I said
"Your goign to have to do it with me in 3 years time" Henry told them.
"May be we should get a sign that says we are not a couple" mum suggested
"Or I could go with you" hook said
"You think we will be together in 3 years time"
"Aye" hook said as he lent down to kiss mum
"Yuck" we all yelled as we threw cushions at them
"Muture all of you very muture" mum said
"I going to go, bye Henry"
"Bye mum" he said as they hugged
"Bye, Regina thanks for today"
"It was my pleasure and I have been meaning to look round on mayor buisness" Regina said then left

Hope you liked the chapter
I have given you two chapters today because the last chapter wasn't the best and I couldn't wait for you guys to read this chapter.

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