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Alot has happened recently gran and gramps have been cursed that when one of them is awake the other is asleep and now mum has been sent to some dream world and we are going to save her.

After many many arguments my family have allowed me to go with Regina and save my mum I know they aren't happy with me espically Henry he is worried he will lose me but I have promised him so many times that he won't and I really hope for his sake it's not an empty promise.

Regina opens her office door to find the evil queen and now genie Aladdin just sitting there waiting for something more like waiting for us.

"Little swan come to save your mummy" the evil queen tuanted me.
"Damn right I have" I said as Regina out her hand on my arm to try and calm me down.

"We have come her to make a wish" Regina said shocking the evil queen.
"We wish to go where Emma swan did" we said together.

All of a sudden we landed in an unknown land filled with trees.
I stood up to find my self in a blue princess dress with a tiara on my head.
Regina ran off to find my mum.
"Regiana wait for me" I said running to catch up.
"Regina slow down I can't run that fast" I shouted
"Why is it always running with this family" I shouted then Regina stopped dead in her tracks and I heard singung, singing I recognised, singing I use to hear every night when I couldn't sleep.

Regina came across a statue off my grandparents that marked where they killed the 'evil Queen'.
"Regina, listen" I told her
"What" Regina said as I followed the noise
"Ellen" Regina said as she blocked my view of the person in front of me.

"Emma" Regina said "What the hell happened to you"

"Your the evil queen" mum said fearful
"Mum" I shouted
"Ellen get away from her" mum said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards her.
"Mum you don't understand this world isn't real Regina is your friend" I tried to tell mum
"Ellen you know the stories your granfather has told us you know she is a liar"
"Emma she isn't lieing" I pleaded
"Mum she is here to save you" I said as an arrow nearly got Regina

"this impossible you were banished" Gramps bellowed
"The fairies saw to it that you could never come back" gran statsd
"get away from our daughter and our grand daughter" Gramps said
"Mum listen to Regina this isn't real" I told mum
"Emma listen to ellen" Regina said Gramps lunges for Regina but missed her causing Regina to leave me in this weird world.

"All the things you have done Ellen this is far by the worse" gramps said as he walked towards me
"How could you believe anything the evil queen told you" gran said
"Ellen you have heard all the stories of the terror she struck into.our poeple" mum said

"This isnt real" I protested
"Come Ellen" gramps forcefully said
"Stop protesting" gran shouted
"We know this is all about the Prince" they both shouted
"What Prince" I asked
"Come on Ellen just because you hate this arrangement doenst mean you can lie" gramps said pulling me on to a horse as we galloped towards a castle while he lectured me on my princess duties and some Prince Louis

"Princess Ellen I have been woried sick" a Prince said as he helped me down the horse I'm guesing this Prince Louis.
"Ellen" Henry said has he came running out of the castle and embracing me in a hug.
"You weren't at mums birthday celebration and I was worried" Henry said it's mum's birthday I wondered. From now on I have to be so careful what I say.
"I'm so sorry mum" I apologised
"As long as your safe that's the most important" mum said

"Princess Ellen could we go on a walk" the Prince asked
"I'm sorry Louis but Ellen will be spending some time in her room" gramps said pushing me towards the entrance of the castle.
"Yes your highness" the Prince said as he bowed.

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