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"Ellen, Ellen, Ellen, Ellen" a small voice shouted trying to wake me up and it worked
"Morning Neal" I whispered, to my uncle who was now 2 and rather sweet
"Morning" he said a he got off my chest
"Pancakes daddy made" Neal smiled
"Do we have pancake for breakfast" I asked him he nooded once I was dressed we went downstairs, Neal insisted on me carrying him down the stairs.

I heard gramps talking to mum about killian moving in.
"Pancakes" me and Neal shouted
"Nothing is going to be different he practically lives here anyway" I told gramps as he rolled his eyes.

As I went to sit down there was a knock at the door then Albert appeared. I walked up to him.
"Morning" I said as I hugged him and he hugged me and Neal as he wouldn't get down
"Bert" Neal shouted
"Hey Neal" Albert said as Neal throw his arms towards him and Albert picked him up with an arm around me.

"No no no I'm not having that" gramps said as he took neal from us making mum and Gran laugh.
"Seriously" I moaned
"No great grandchildren yet okay" gramps said handing Neal to Gran
"Gramps seriously". "Dad" me and mum complained
"Okay?" Gramps said firmly
"Okay" Albert said and gramps smiled

"We should get going" Albert said Pulling me away from the pancakes
"Bye Gran good luck" I said as I was dragged out the door and into my car.

"Have you told them?" Albert asked
"Nope I thought I would surprise them" I smiled as we drove off.

"Are you ready?" Zara asked me as we meet her and Marcus at the reception
"Hi we are the students,from the sixith here to help with the science festival" Marcus told the receptionist.

I haven't told anyone that I'm helping at the science festival at Henry's school, we were spending the day teaching science and doing fun things, there is 6 of us we are all going in pairs to teach me and Albert are together and we are mainly doing experiments.

It was weird walking down the corridor after not doing so for so long. As we walked down the corridor I saw something I really haven't got use to seeing Henry and violet kissing.

"I'm never going to get use to that" I said out loud making Henry and Gran turn round
"Ellen what are you doing here?" Yes asked
"We are helping with the science festival" I smiled
"Oh brilliant" Gran exclaimed.

"What can't you get use to" Henry asked
"You kissing a girl" I said
"I see you two kissing regularly" Henry whined
"No you don't" i argued
"He does sometimes" Albert said trying to stop an argument starting.

Our first class was Henry's class which was quite nice as I knew most of them.
When Henry came in he took his seat sent me a smile and thumbs up.

"Hello every one, as part of the science festival we are going to be teaching you today and today we are going to be making crystals" I said
Albert tlaked the class through the instructions and we started the experiment.

The experiment was a success every one made crystals and they all enjoyed it which was the main thing.

"So what now?" Albert asked as every one left
"Lunch" I laughed as we walked out the room and meet zara and Marcus.
We were showing Albert around the school as we went out side with our lunch in hand.

"That tree over there is where I first defended Henry and beat marcus" I smiled as we sat down to eat our lunch.

It didn't feel any different apart from the fact I was having lunch with my two best friends and my boyfriend some thing I never saw happening when we first came to this town.
I remeber thinking that we would drop Henry off then leave and forget about Henry but mum got sucked in then I did and now I regret thinking those things, i regret wanting to run away because moving here is the best decision we ever made.

Our last lesson was grans class, we walked  and it looked like time had stod still the room was the same as the first time I stood foot in here 6 years ago and the lessons I spent in here doing my work because I wlaked out of my class or got sent out so I came here.

The lesson was great we did parachute eggs at the end of the lesson gran came up to me.

"Ellen, Albert that was amazing you make quite the team" gran said as I looked up at Albert and smiled.

"Oh Ellen I would like you to meet shirin my new teaching assitant" gran said pointing to the lady collecting paper and smiling at me somethign about her seemed familiar but I coudlnt put my finger on it.

''It's lovely to meet you Ellen your granmother has told me So much about you" shirin said

"It's lovely to meet you to shirin"
"We must go and find Henry and violet" I said
"See you later Ellen"
"Bye gran"

We left making our way to find violet and henry as we were giving them a lift home.

"Did something about shirin seem familiar to you?" I asked Albert
"No why did it to you" he asked me
"Yes to familiar and I don't know why" I said

We found Henry and violet leaning in my car.
"Henry have you meet grans New teaching assisstant shirin?" I asked him as we headed for home.
"No I haven't why" Henry asked
"She seems very familiar" I told him
"Maybe she's in the book I will have a look when we get home " Henry suggested
"Maybe" I said

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