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It was my first day of sixth form I was so excited and nervous.

I woke bright and early at 6 in the morning, I must be excited as I didn't need to leave to get Albert til 7:30 it takes ten minutes to get to Albert but knowing him he won't be ready and he will take for ever to get him out of his apartment he has been told that we need to leave by 7:50 as it will take 40 minutes to get to sixith form.

I changed into my denim long shirt with my white and blue knitted jumper as it was starting to get cold, leggings, black boots and left my hair down I couldn't be bothered to curl or straighten it just left it I its natural state as I went down stair I grabbed my satchel with all my new stationary in it and went down stairs.

"Morning" mum said as i went to get some breakfast
"Morning, where's every one?" I asked as me and mum were the only ones up
"Henry doesn't need to wake up for another hour and hooks still asleep but he will get up soon" mum said
"It feels weird being up this early" I said
"Not surprised last time you were up this early was when you were tiny, you always woke me up early but when you were first born you always woke up at ridiculous times in the morning" mum said I just laughed as I ate my cereal.

"Why doesn't Bert drive? If you don't mind me asking" mum said
"It's fine he is still getting grips with our worlds technology but he has said he will at seem point"
"Is he 18" mum asked
"He is 18, he's 3 months older exactly" I said
"May 13th is his birthday"
"Did he have his birthday here or in Camelot" mum asked not looking me in the eye as she recalled came lots events
"His birthday was a week before I met him in story Brooke" I said smiling
"So you two have been together for just two months" mum said
"Yeah" I said smiling to myself I hadn't realised

"Morning" hook said half asleep as hew met to mum and kissed her
"To early in the morning to see that" I said catching hook by surprise
"Your not usually wake at this time" he said
"Okay just remember for the rest of this year" I said
"Maybe I will just have to get up earlier for the rest of the year" hook smirked as I look at my phone and saw it was time for me to leave
"OK on that note it's time for me to leave" I said
"Have a great day" mum said as I opened the door
"Bye princess enjoy your day" hook said
"Don't call me princess" I spat
"Bye" I said as I left the house

When I got to Alberts he was waiting out side his building when I turned up I didn't expect him to be waiting, I point to the boot as I opened it telling him to put his bag in there.

"Morning" he said as he kissed me
"Morning, I wasn't expecting you to be ready" I said
"Neither but it's the first day don't want us to be late" he said
The drive was enjoyable we just talked about random things the we pulled into the sixith form car park which was nearly full.

We made our way to reception to find were to go and get our timetables.
"So what lesson you got?" Albert asked
"Creative first, psychology second, break, free period third, chemistry fourth, lunch then form last what about you?"

"Maths first, psychology second, break, English language third, chemistry fourth, Lunch then form last"

"We have 2 lessons together, whose your form tutor" I asked
"Mr Jacobs, you?" He said
"The same" I said as I threw my arms around him
"Ellen" I heard Zara shout
"Zara" I said as we hugged and Albert and Marcus laughed

"What have you got today?" Zara asked
"Creative first, psychology second, break, free period third, chemistry fourth, lunch then form last what about you?"
"Sociology, psychology, break, free, biology, lunch then form with Mrs Hartley same as Marcus and you have chemistry together" Zara said
"Yay" I said not very enthusiastic
Then a small brown haired lady came out of the office and said "all new students make it to your lessons"

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