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So me, mum and Mary Margret who is.actually my grandma went through a portal and landed in the enchanted forest.

We were walking back from our long adventure from Mary Margrets castle.

mum looked at me and said "you alright el" she hasn't called me el for ages.

"I am alright, it hasn't really sunk in yet that we are walking with mulan and princess aurora, that my grandma is snow white and that my mum is a long lost princess" mum just smiled and laughed.

"Some things wrong" Mulan said
"Why's that?" I asked

"We always have look puts on that tower" mulan states
We entered the camp, I am gueaung something wasn't right because mums hand shoot up to cover my eyes.

"Oh my god" mum said
"I can't see anything" I whined

"We were protected this shouldn't of happened how did ogres get in" mulan said
"It wasn't ogres" Mary Margaret told us.

"What wasn't ogres" I moaned

"It was Cora, she ripped their hearts out, we need to stop her" mulan said

"That's grim"I said as I licked mums hand

"Very mature of you Ellen very mature" mum said as I stuck my tongue out then I turned round and saw it, all the bodies piled up on top of each other with holes in their chest where Cora had ripped their hearts out.

"It's to late every one is dead" mulan said

"I know but we need to stop here from hurting anyone one else" Mary Margaret said

Then I saw something in the corner of my eye something moved from under all the bodies.
I think mum saw it to because she said "Hey, hey look over there"

She ran over to the pile of bodies and pulled  one out, He has black ragedy hair, blue  eyes and he was quite tall.

He just kept saying "please please please"over and over again
Mary Margret then said "your safe now, we won't hurt you"

We were all around a table that was in the middle of the camp.
The ragedy man was eating food while mulan and mum where standing and watching from a far talking about him.
"I can't thank you enough for your kindness" ragedy man spoke
"The whole camp dead and you'd the only one alive. How exactly did you do that?" Mum questioned

"She attacked at night, killing every one in one fell swoop. She started to rip hearts out, I hide under the bodies of the death and pretended to be dead" he told us but I don't think mum bought it.

"I am going to let you in on a secret I am very good at knowing when some one is lieing" I just roled my eyes at mum mentioning her 'super power'.

"I am telling you the truth" he said quite frightened of mum.

"We should leave just in case Cora comes back" mulan suggested

"We should start searching for a new portal as I only got minutes with my husband and grandchildren" Mary Margret said as she looked at me and mum, I took a step behind mum to avoid Mary Margrets gaze.

"Your a grandmother" the man asked curiously

"Long story" I was still heading behind mum.
"I know these lands, I can guide you" the man said

Just as we where getting ready to leave mum out a dagger to the man's throat and said "your not going anywhere till you tell us who you really are" mum said
Brilliant mums gone all defensive.

Mum marched the poor man who she was sending death glares to every now and again then we found a tree that mum and Mulan tied him up to, she has gone to far.

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