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I was siting on my bed dressed with my dad's dream catcher in my lap.

Since the land of untold stroies arrived my magic has been playing up, everytiem I go to do something I feel dizzy and like my magic is draining out of me.

Mum had entranted dad's dream catcher so that when I wave my hand over it it shows my a memory with my dad and this was very simple magic.

I waved my hand over the dream catcher but nothing happened, i did it again and again and again so much I got a tingly feeling in my arm but I ignored it.
I did it one last time to my amazement magic came out of my hand but the image was very weak then it started to spark then it was gone.
What is going on with me I thought to myself.

"Ellen, alberts here" mum shouted
"Coming" I shouted back

I was taking Albert to work then going to see my dad.

"Hey" Albert said
"Hey" I grumbled and grabbed my keys
"Ellen what's up?" Albert aksed as we walked to my car
"Nothing" I said very inconvincingly
Albert grabed my arm and turned me around so I was facing him
"Ever since the land of untold stroies people turned up you have been on edge so tell me what's up?" Albert shouted
"Nothing" yelled back
"Be like that I will find another way to work" Albert shouted as he wlaked off

"No Albert please" I shouted then he was gone and I marched inside.
Crashed my keys on the worksurface.

"I thought you were taking Albert to work" mum siad
"Not anymore" I said as I wlaked up the stairs

"Everythign alright" mum asked, she knew it wasn't she always knew when something was up with me.
"Everything is fandabbydozey" I said as I went up the stairs slaped my door shut and jumped on my bed.

After a while my door cracked open and mum came in and sat next to me.

"Hey I have to go to the station but killian has offered to take you to your dad's" mum said and I just nodded.

"I think Henry wants to go with you is that alright" mum asked
"Yeah it's fine" I said then mum went out the door as I got up.

"Ellen is everything okay" mum asked as I walked towards her
"I have already said everything is fine" I lied
"You sure, i know when your lieing" mum said getting to her superpower.
"I know your superpower" I said as I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs.

"Ready to go" killian asked
"Ready" me and mum said as we all walked to mum's bug
"I forgot something" killian announced as he ran back into the house and reappered with a brown book in his hands.

'What's that?" I asked
"Something I promised your dad" Killian told me smirking
"Should I be worried" I asked
"Nope" killian smirked.

Mum dropped us if at dad's.

"Hey" dad said as he opened the door
"Hey" I smiled as I walked in
"Hey I brought you this" killian said giving dad the book
"Oh thankyou did Emma mind" dad asked making this book more and more suspicous
"No she a more than happy to give it to you" killian said as we all day down then I saw the writing on the book 'Ellen's scrap book'
"No no no" I said pointing to the book full of pictures of me that are very embarrassing
"What?" Dad asked as he opened the book to the first page which was a picture of baby me.

"Aw your so cute" dad said as I turned the page to more baby pictures.
"Ellen your are so cute" Henry said

"What happened there?" Dad asked pointing to a picture of me putting hand prints in the wall
"Well our dad was trying to get me to do hand prints for a Christmas present for mum but he made a fatal mistake and left me alone with paint he came back to a wall full of red hand prints mum thought it was cute but dad didn't that was my first time siting on the naughty step" I told them the memory.

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