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I woke up to the smell of fish and it stunk, I knew the smell was going to be worse if I went downstairs but I needed to get up.

"What is that smell?" I said
"Mackerel" Killia said
"Fish for breakfast" I scoffed
"It's a pirates breakfast" Henry spat
"Wait a minute where's my eye patch and parrot oh yeah that's right I don't have one because I am not a pirate" I said as I pretended to look for my eye patch
"Well you are a pirate princess" Killian said as I rolled my eyes and made my way to the cupboard.

"What are you doing?" Killian asked
"Making breakfast" I said pouring coco pops into a bowl
"I have made you breakfast"
"I don't like fish for breakfast"
"Maybe you will like it" Killian said trying to persuade me
"I want coco pops" I moaned stamping my feet.
"Well i made you this" Killian said giving me a plate of fish.

"I want coco pops" I said stamping my feet and shoving a spoon full of coco pops into my mouth
"I have eaten it now" I said
"Fine" Killian huffed and Henry laughed
"Yummy coco pops" I smiled and killian smiled

"I'm going to take the bins out" Henry said as he got up

"He's been quite awhile" I said as Henry had been gone for nearly 20 mins.
"Aye" killian said as we both walked towards the door.

"Henry" i shouted
"Bloody hell" Killian said
"We need to go to the docks now" killian shouted as he took my arm and ran to the dooks.

"I have a car you know" I said as we ran to the dooks but killian ignored me.
We got to the dooks to find Henry there untieing a boat.
"Henry what are you doing" Killian asked him.
"What mum asked you to do?" Henry said as he showed me the scissors
"You didn't get rid of them" I asked Killian shocked

"I can explain" Killian said
"You don't need to" Henry spat pushing me in a boat.

"No i do I kept them to protect emma" Killian told us
"She didn't want you too" Henry said
"Listen to me" Killian shouted
"No" Henry shouted then killian looked worried and wasn't concentrating on Henry I turned round to see what he was looking at to see a faint submarine coming to the suface.
"Run" killain shoited
"Turn around mate the captain wants to see you" a sailor said

Then he grabed as and pushed us into the submarin, as they searched killian they pushed me and henry into a room that looked like a study of some sort.
"Let them go they have nothing to do with it" killian said as they threw him into the room with us.

I found a sofa and sat on it leaving Henry and killian to have an arguement about why we are here it was pretty obvious that killian had annoyed the captain and they kidnapped us for revenge.

"I don't know" Killian shouted I got up and walked over to Henry because knowing him he will say soemthing he doesn't mean.
"Being the saviour is who she is and it's what brought us together" Henry spat
"Henry" I said softly
"I wasn't trying to take that away from you" killian said
"What do you care?" Henry shouts
"Henry stop now" I shouted
"Your not even apart of this family" Henry yelled I could tell he had hit a nerve as killians face went all sour and pained.
"Henry no" I shouted
"He is as much part of this family as you are" I said as killian gave me a small smile
"just because he is your god father" Henry spat
"Yes he is but he is also the man mum loves and you may not want to believe it but she does more than she ever did dad" I shouted at Henry
"Ellen" kilian said trying to calm me down as I went back to the sofa Henry joined me after a while I knew he was sorry so was I.

"I killied my father" killian said breaking the silence.
"You what" me and henry both shouted
"You asked me why I care about keeping your family together it's because I once had the chance of havoc my own"
"With your dad " Henry asked
"You told us" I said

"There's apart if that story i disnf share when i killed my father I left his son father less" killian exaplained
"You had another brother?" I asked
"Aye, liam" killian said
"Like your other brother" henry said
"Aye, that was to much for me" killain told us looking at the floor

'' your trying to make up what happens with Liam with us" Henry said
"I can't ruin another family" killian said
"You won't" I said
"I already have" killain said
"Mum will understand" we both said
"We are trapped in here and I can't even pick the look" killian said as I smiled at Henry
"You might not be able to but I can" I said as I jumped and ran towards the door.

I put my hand infront of the look and I started to us my magic but I could feel my body getting weak.

"Welldone" Henry said as we started running.

We came to a room filled with underwater suits and I really hope Killian doenst expect me to wear it but I was wrong as Killian throw one in my direction.
"Put it on" killian said as Henry started putting it on.
"No" I said
"Excuse me" Killian said all strictly
"I'm not putting this on" I protested
"Oh yes you are" Killian said walking over to me
"No I'm not" I told him
"Do you wnat to see your mum, dad and Albert again" Killian asked as I slowly nodded my head.
"Well put it on" killian said unzipping the suit
"You can be scary when you wnat to" I too him putting not the horrific suit on.
"I know" he smiled

"Happy" I said as I zipped the suit up
"Ecstatic" he smiled.

We found a door that lead to a room with a pool of water in it.

"Quickly go, we don't have long till the captain realsies we are missing" killian said as he throw a helemt at me.
"The suit I can deal with but this oh no" I protested even more as killian put me and henry on the edge of the exit
"Where's your helmet?" I aksed
"Your not coming" henry answer my question
"Aye" killian said as he pushed me and henry into the water before we could protest.

I closed my eyes and let the water push me to the surface as I came up and opened my eyes to reval the bloody submarin.

"What the" i exclaimed
"We can't leave him behind'' Henry said
"Spoken like a true charming" I said as Henry burged into the room to find Liam with a knife to killians throat and panic filled my whole body

"No you don't" I yelled
"Please" I yelled again as killian kicked the captain off if him and ran over to him "I'm down I promise"

"I thought I told you to leave'' Killian snapped
"Its alright we didn't just save your butt or anything" I said
"What made you come back?" Killian asked
"We couldn't ruin another family" me and Henry said
"Thank you" killian smiled

"I'm going to find some more suits" I said to give them some alone time.

We left taking liam with us and taking him to the hospital where we were met by Albert and mum.

"Hey" I said to Albert as I ran into his arms leaving Henry to explain to mum
"Hey" he said

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