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We have  been tied up for what felt like forever, everyone was trying to get free but I gave up, I had struggled and struggled now I can't feel my hands and I am pretty sure I have cuts on my wrists.

Arthur and zelena turned up awhile ago, zelena was taunting Regina and it was working regian was getting quite pissed off.

Arthur and zelena were using us for a trade with something mum has, I really did what to get free but I didn't want mum getting drag into this as she could get hurt and I don't want to see her hurt dark one or not.


I walked through the door and saw hook and my grandparents siting on the sofa.
"So how was it? We want to now everything" gran said smiling
"Some of us don't want to know everything" gramps said

"It was really good, we had a picnic with all my favourite good thanks to Henry and you we need to talk" I said  pointing at hook.
"Glad you enjoyed it" gran said
"What have I done now" hook said pretending to be scared.

"We are going to check on Neil" grmaos said
"So whats up?" Hook said as I sat next to him on the sofa.
"You told mum about the dance and me kissing Albert" I said

"She told you" he said
"Yes she told me" I said
"I am sorry it slipped out" he apologised
"Why did it slip out" I asked
"She was saying that she was the same Emma, I said she wasn't and that if she was she would know about your feelings for Albert and that you kissed him"  hook told me

"Thanks for that captain prick" I said spitefully
"I am sorry it slipped out'' hook apologised
"Well she was pissed off with me because I didn't tell her" I spat

"So if you were trying to hurt her it worked" I told him
"I wasn't trying to hurt her"
"I don't care about your intention" I said as I went up to my room.

Mum walked up with the flame and the dark one dagger.

"I brought the dagger and the flame but you don't get it until you free my family" mum said.
"No. You will hand it over now or I unleash Merlin" Arthur said I really dont like that guy, he is nothing like all the story's he's a pain in the bum.

"Emma, please. I don't want to fight you" Merlin said frightened.
"No but I do. So, now that muumy's got her magic back, tell me dark one what are you going to do?" Zelena said as she walked circles around mum.

"So dark one who should I kill first your father or your boyfriend" zelena asked as mum gave hook a look of fear and worry.
"You can have the flame" mum said giving them the box.
"Zelena make sure it's real" Arthur said as zelena open the box and role flew out of it and tied zelena to a tree, I tried not to laugh but I failed.

"Now give me my family or keep fighting"
"Please Emma give him the flame, this is a battle you cant win" Merlin said as they both started fighting Merlin was winning and I was scared that she might get hurt.
"You can't defeat me i have been playing thus game fir to long" Merlin said as he threw one last spell at mum causing her to knocks back.

"Mum" I shouted
"Merlin kill her daughter" Arthur commanded.
I was trying my hardest to get of the shackles but it wasn't working then there was a vine round my neck and the air from my lungs was slowly disappearing.

"Ellen" my granparents shouted
"It's no use they are too strong" robin said
"Keep trying" Regina said then my sight went all splotchie and all I could see was mum, Talking to Merlin about something but I couldn't hear anything I was concentrating more on my breathing than anything.

Merlin fought the darkness and I could breath.
"I said kill her, by the power of the sword I cammand you kill her"  Arthur said

I looked out of the corner of my eye and I saw hook take of his hook, once he was free he punched Arthur in the face.

Mum and hook ran up to as hook got my chuckles off and I fell into mums arms trying to get my breath back.

"Are you okay ellen?"
"I am...fine" I said breathing heavily.


Every one was at Reginas discussing the new problem, we have two dark ones, hook and mum, my mum and my Godfather.

I was siting with Henry in his room.

"What if mums down there?"
"Well Regina is down stairs" I said tryign to make him laugh.

"Very funny"
"I know I try" I said smiling
"I meant out mum" he said
"If she is she is why?" I said
"Just wondering" he said
"I am going to get a drink" hnery said looking at his hands
"I will come with you" I said jumping off his bed.
We ran down the stairs laughing and being silly then Henry stopped and I ran into his back.

"Henry was an emergency stop really needed?" I asked
"So I was right, your here" Henry said looking at me.
"Henry, Ellen I need you to tell them it's okay to take of this cuff, it's the only way to figure all of this out" mum begged

"No" Henry said
"Nah I am good" I said
"What?" Mum asked
"You lied to us, about hook about everything, why should we trust you now?" Henry said
"What he said and we have had this conversation" I said

"I am your mother"
"Are you?the mum a knew wouldn't keep things from us" we both said
"I thought you two would undrstand" mum said getting pissed off.

"I thought you the one person I could trust" Henry said
"You forgive Regina and gold but not me" mum argued
"They showed me that they have changed" Henry told her

"I have too"
"Yes you have but when things got tough you don't come to any one for help, we were a team" Henry said not making eye contact with mum.
"Operation cobra I remember"mum smiled

"But now you just want your dark magic back so you can do it alone. And I've seen what you do with dark magic." Henry said as he ran up the stairs.
"I've got this" I said as I followed him up the stairs.


So now we have a bit of a problem mum has made hook into a dark one because he got cut by Excalibur and nearly died.
So we have two dark ones now my mum and her boyfriend this is going to be fun....not.

Hope you liked it
For the next couple of chapters it will be mainly set in storybrooke.
Thanks for reading.

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