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"Ellen" Regina shouted down the hall
"Yes" I said as I turned round and walked to her
"I was wondering if you could try and help get Merlin out of the tree" Regina asked
"Yeah sure, when do you need me" I smiled
"Now let's go"  Regina sort off demanded

"Oh okay I was meeting someone let me get word that I will be late" I said Regina just nodded as a servant walked pass
"Excuse me, could you find Albert and tell him I will be a bit late" I said to the servant as she courtseyed.
"Whose Albert?" Regina asked as we made out way to merlins tower
"Some one I met at the ball" I said smiling
"Oh that's the boy I saw you dancing with" Regina said
"Yes it is" I said

"Here we are" Regina said as she opened the door.
We looked through books after books after books we made as many potions as we thought might work for ages it was just me and Regina then mum came in but she didn't see me as I was siting behind a tower of books.

"Have you found anything Regina?" Mum asked
"Nope and we have tried everything" Regina told mum
"We" mum said puzzled
"Hey mum" I said piping my head around the tower of books.
"You brought Ellen into this" mum shouted
"Yes I thought she could help" Regina reasoned.

"How? Using her magic, she has only just started to use magic and she" mum said
"And I could what mum?" I interrupted
"She could lose control" mum said
"Oh I see you don't trust my magic" I said as I walked towards the door
"That's not it" mum shouted after me
"Well that's what I heard, have fun looking for Merlin" I said as walked out of the tower I could faintly hear Regina having a go at mum but I ignored it and walked to where I said I would meet Albert I needed to distract myself and I knew Albert would help me do that.

I was walking out of our building when I walked into someone.
"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going, I am sorry" I said but I didn't look up to see who it was.
"Ellen it's fine it's my fault" some one said as I looked up and realised it was Albert.
"Albert" I said as I threw my arms around his neck.
"What are you doing here?" I asked him
"I was trying find that good place we went to last night" he said
"You mean granny's why were you looking for it?" I asked.

"I wanted to bump in to you" he smiled
"Well you did bump into me quite literally" I said as he just laughed
"Why don't I walk you back to the Camelot camp"  I suggested
"That would be nice" he said as we started walking.
We spent the while walk to the camp laughing out heads of.
When we got to the camp I saw that gramps was there.

"Oh great" I said not releasing I said it out loud
"What's wrong?" Albert asked me
"That's my grandfather" I said pointing to gramps who was now bowing
"Prince charming is your grandfather" Albert half shouted
"yep" I said as I thought of away to get out of here unseen.
"Ellen what are you doing here?" Gramps bellowed
"Um...well...I was...um" I said trying to think of a good cover up.
"Whose this?"  Gramps asked harshly
"I'm Albert, its a pleasure to meet yoh" Albert said as he bowed as gramps gave me a look
"We are just friends" I said defensively
"Well I was going to the station I can drop you home" gramps said
"Yeah just give me a minute" I said as he walked to the truck.

"I have got to go" I said
"Yeah may be I will bump into you again'' he said as we hugged
"Bye Albert"
"Bye Ellen"

I found the stables were Albert was waiting holding 2 horses they were both beutiful one was chestnut with two white socks on its two front legs and the other one was her black all over.
"Hey I am sorry I am late I had to help the saviour" I apologised
"That's fine" he said with a smile
"So we're are we going"I asked
"It's a surprise" he said with a massive smile on his face.
"This is your horse percy" he said as he helped me get on the chestnut horse.

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