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Emma's POV
I woke up it's my wedding day excitement filled me then I looked at Ellen she was curled up in a little ball tears scarred her checks.
I wish i could take her pain away my poor baby girl.

I heard my door open then little feet walking on the floor which meant mum just came through the door.

''Sissy'' I heard Neal say running up to me. I picked him up, he looked like he had been crying.
"Hey Neal what up?" I asked him as g hurried his head in my back and mum mouthed 'albert' I think our whole family he been affected by his  death.

"Albert gone" Neal said sadly
"Oh Neal" I said giving him a hug then giving him back to mum.
"Mummy I want Albert back" Neal said just hearing those words broke my heart and I knew Ellen felt the same as Neal.
"I know you do Neal" mum said trying to erasure him.

"Neal would you like a special job in my wedding" I said
"Yes yes yes" Neal smiled was from ear.
"Could you be my page not which means you have the most important job ever you look after the rings and you walk past all the poeple with ellen" i asked i knew that might help ellen abit.
"I can do that sissy" Neal said proudly
"Thank you, Henry is upstairs if you want to go up" I told him as mum put him down and he ran off.

"How is Ellen?" Mum asked
"I don't know mum, we watched all the films that use to cheer her up but that didn't work I fell asleep but I think she barely slept and this morning her face has tear marks all the way down it, I wish could just take the pain away for her"
"Sadly we can't you just need to be there and help her have hope it will be hard she just lost the boy she loves mum said

"I know but knowing her she will keep it looked up inside then one day she will just reach her limit and burst" I said
"Let's just hope that doesn't happen" mum smile
"Well she's talking to Killian now. He is being very fatherly towards her he even suggested to propone the wedding but Ellen said no and that we need to get in with our lives" I told her
"Well that's good that they are talking. She is so like you" mum smiled but it was true even though she isn't actually mine but she defiantly acts like me.

"Anyway did you decide on a dress?" Mum asked smiled
"no neither feel right" I told mum
"I wasn't sure if it came over in the cure but I had belle look through the back if gold shop and we found it Emma would you like to wear my dress" mum smiled
"Yes please mum"

Ellen's POV
I woke up still tired barely slept last night Albert's death just played on a loop in my head.

"Ellen" I heard a little voice say I turned round to see Neal trying to get on the bed so I gave him abit of help he cuddled in to me under the duvet he looked so sad.

"Ellen are you sad because of Albert" Neal asked
"Yes" I said as he put his head on my shoulder
"I like albert" neal said near crying
"He likes you too" I told Neal
"why did he go" Neal asked and that was a question that killed me because it was my fault he died all my fault.
"He loved me and I was in danger" I forced myself to say
"He saved his princess like daddy saved mummy" Neal said cutely I liked how he put it
"yes" I smiled
"Ellen you can't go" Neal said
"I won't" I promised.

"Ellen" Henry said softly as he came into mums room and sat on the edge of the bed.
"How are you?" He asked fully knowing how I actually am.
"What do you think?" I said
"True" he smiled
"So what you watching?" Henry asked
"Dinosuars" Neal said receding to land before time.

We were about to watch dumbo when mum and gran came in.

"I've got to go to the sheriff station to do some work" mum said
"And I'm going home" gran told us
"Are you two alright staying here" mum asked
"Yeah" I said
"No" Neal said really grumpy we all looked at him shocked.
"Mummy me stay here with Ellen she sad" Neal said whispering the last bit to gean but I heard
"Fine you can stay but remember you special job" Gran smiled giving him a hug.
"Henry?" mum asked
"Can I come and help you?" Henry asked
"If course but Ellen is that okay" mum asked
"If course it is" I mailed and they all left.

It has been roughly two hours since everyone left and me and Neal had watched so many films. We were in the middle of watching Dumbo when my phone went of I looked at it and saw it was Henry.

Ellen: Hellllo
Henry: come to the town hall now
Ellen: why?
Henry: there's going to be a new curse we don't the full details about it yet apart form we will all be separated and mum thinks she can fight the final battle with out us the black fairy has frozen every to prove that and mum is convinced she can do this in her own. HURRAY

Henry shouted as he hung up. New curse, do we ever get a break from curses but this one is the worse yet we at all going to be separated from each other I have never been separated from mum before sort from going to school but I can't worry about that just yet mum needs me I need to put my brief to one side and focus in saving mum.

"Neal we need to go save sissg" I told him as he looked at me confused
"Sissy in dabger" he asked
"She might be" I said as I ran to my room and threw some clothes in then picked Neal up rushing to my car and driving as quick as I could we finally made it to the town hall and I could see bright lights of different colours being blasted from different sides of a window.

We went in to the building to find out while family apart from mums nd Henry frozen.
"Mummy daddy" Neal shouted as he let go of my hand and to his parents.

My eyes found my dad's frozen one something inside of me was telling me to run up to him and stand with. I can't lose another dad not again.
I looked up at mum and saw the black fairy on the floor regaining herself, mum was with killian as they miss so sad started to become less frozen then mum shot one last of magic at the fairg and everyone was unfrozen we all ran over to mum standing behind ready to fit. The black fairy looked defeated as she disapeared in cloud of darkness.

"Let's get this wedding on" Gran shouted as she hurried everyone out the house.

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