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My mum was now the dark one.

She had dark magic and I had the magic to defeat her, I have the power to kill my mum but I will never do that even if they beg me.
We were all standing on Maine street taking in what has just happened.

"How could she be so stupid" Regina exclaimed
"Regina" gramps shouted
"There must of been another way" Regina said
"There wasn't that thing was going to kill you she saved your life" gran said
"Don't you think I realise that" Regina said
"Now she's the dark one" Henry said as I he came and stood next to me
"Now she's a problem" Regina said
"She is still good" gran said
"I hope so it's not like she rode of on a uniform she got sucked up by a vortex of evil" Regina said
"Where is she?" I asked
"It doesn't bloody matter" hook said as he walked towards the dagger
"Mate don't" robin said trying to stop hook.
"Get out of my way" hook said getting all defensive and walking to the dagger
"If I can't find her i can damn well bring her to me" Hook said as he picked up the dagger
"Dark one with this dagger I command you return" hook shouted
"Why hasn't it worked?" I said
"Guy liner I thought you knew the dangers rules" Regina said to hook.

"With it I can summon the dark one from any corner of the world" hook said
"Well there your answer she many in this world"
If she isn't in this world were could she be I thought to my self.
Hook, Regina, Robin, gran and gramps went to see the apprentice but me and Henry went granny's.

We just sat in silence drinking hot chocolate then hook came up to us and said "Henry you can fix this use your pen and get the daekness out of Emma"
"I broke it" Henry said, I smiled I was proud of him, he has this power but he doesn't want to use it.
"You what" hook half shouted
"It's to much power" Henry explained

"So you won't break any rules then, if there was a way a dangerous way to help your mother but your other mother wouldn't like" hook said
"I am not a kid anymore I don't need permision" Henry shouted
"Lets break out the person she hates most" hook said
"Zelena" Henry asked
"Are you mad" I said hook just ignored me.
"Let's go break out the wicked witch" hook said as they both left
"Ellen you coming" Henry asked
"Nope I like my life thank you I don't need Regina hating me" Henry just rolled his eyes as he followed hook.
Gran called me and told me to meet them at regina's office.

We found zelena with robin her regina started talking and I zoned out thinking about mum and where she could be I was brought back to reality by zelena making a portal that we are taking to find mum.
We ran to granny's and decided to travel in cafe I sat with Roland and Henry as we watch Regina cast a spell to send us to mums location.

We landed in the middle of a forest, hook left and we all followed then we found mum she was holding the heart of some red head.
"Swan don't" kian shouted
"What? How?" Mum questioned
"It doesn't matter how has anything ever stoped me" hook smiled
"This is the only way to find Merlin the only way to protect all of you" mum said
"To stop the darkness your going to let it consume you" gran said
"You don't know that"I said defensively
"This needs to be her choice" hook said
"Look at us heros and villains come together because of you"
She then have the girl her heart back and hugged hook.

We walked back to granny's to show mum.
When we got their mum was so surprised.
"You brought grannys and granny and keroy"
Then there was a noise and horses.

"I am King Arthur here to find you" one of the Knights announced
"Your expecting us" mum asked
"You were prohisised to come here by Merlin" the knight said
"Is he here" hook asked
"The prophesy states you will free him now if you would follow me" he told us
"Where to" gramps asked
"Camelot" he said

We were walking into Camelot then we were back in story broke waking up.
We were home.
"Relax" mum said as she appeared all in black
"Mum" me and Henry both said
"What happened?" Henry asked
''Isn't it obvious, you all failed" she said as she stroked gran's face.
"There is no saviour in this town anymore" mum said
"Emma stop that's enough" Regina told her
"Or what" mum pushed
"I will do exactly what you asked me to" Regina said as she looked for the dagger
"Looking for this" mum said as she showed us the dagger
"Now for what you all did your about to be punished" mum taunted
"Emma why are doing this?" Hook asked
"Because I am the dark one" mum said
"Mum this isn't you" I said
"No sweet Ellen this is the new me" mum said with an emotionless face
"No it's not" I disagreed, mum ignored my protest and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Swan's First ChildOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora