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So we are stuck in this world we didn't get to the portal in time and now going a different way out. I need to get Home this world is to many types of weird for me to cope with.

"How long till we get August " I asked for the fifityith time and I could tell I was annoying mum.
"Ellen for the millionth time i don't know" mum exaggerated

"There" mum shouted as she pointed out August well in this world pinocio
"Lets go" Regina
"The whole kingdom wants your head on a spike stay here Ellen come" mum

"Hey there pinocio" mum announced
"Princess Emma I heard terrible rumours you were captured by the evil queen , princess Ellen I hello" pinocio embrace mum in hug.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you here but what happened"
"It's a long story" mum said
We went inside and mum filled August in on what was going on and asked him to make a wardrobe for us to use to get home now we are going on a magic here him oh this is going to be fun.

On the journey mum and August tlaked the whole time about the year and it's magic powers when we got to the tree August was filling mum in on how he will get the portal made then the most weirdest thing so far happened hook appearened but like everyone in this realm he looked different he was far and old and I mean really old it was weird.

"STOP talking" hok said holding a sword to aigists neck.
"Back away from the princess" book demanded

"Killian" mum and me said confused
"Dint sorry princesses hello again ellen" he smirked
"I'm here to rescue you after i kill who ever this is" Killian tauted

"Please let him go" mum
"Princess Edna please leave the dareing rescue to the professionals" Killian said
"It's Emma" mum corrected him
"No that's ellen"
"My name is Emma I don't need to be rescued" mum shouted
"You don't anymore thanks to captain book at your service" he said congratulating himself as he bowed August took his sword.
"That's not fair at all" Killian stripped
"like the lady said she doesn't need reacuaimg" August
"Well i don't agree their is a handsome reward out for her rescue" hook said greedly like always and mum just rolled her eyes.
"Sword please" book said trying to get the sword
"Book please we don't wnat to hurt you" mum said

"Sorry so you know him" August said confused
"In the other world he loves in our house" I explained
Hook ran around growling at August and he took the chisel from the floor and started to fight August but my fkrw him back wards.

"We need to get home" I said
"agreed we need get someone off tum" mum smiled.

Hook managed to break the chisel in half just by breaking it I stayed back as August had a tantrum and walked off.

"What are we going to do?" I asked
"I'm going to try" mum said as she picked up a hammer and started hitting the tree.

"It's not going to work" I said after her 10th hit

Mum was looking in the tool box for a new when she came across a chest with her name on inside was a hand valves swan.

Mum marched ahead going whl knows where but I couldn't keep up in this stupidly long dress.

"Mum" I shouted after her but she never stopped then she did outside pinocois shop.
"Wait here" mum demanded

Mum emerged minutes later with August both looking ever so determined then we went back to the tree and he started carving a door hours after it was done.
Regina arrived just in town with this world's robin who I am guessing is coming with us.

We then stepped into the wardrobe transporting as back to the world we know and love.

We all made our way from the forest to main street where I saw Albert waiting I ran up to him and jump in to his arms he swung me around as we kissed.
The rest of the family ermerged apart from gran.

"We staying off the rum" mum said
"Why?" Killian asked very confussed.

I so sorry for not updating for so lonv but it's the summer holidays over here so I will hopefully have lots of time to up date.
I'm sorry for this chapter being pretty terrible and for missing out certian parts of this episode but they didn't fit with my plan for Ellen.

Swan's First ChildDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora