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Mum was out with her boyfriend Walsh which meant I was in charge.
Henry was playing his Xbox while me, Ellie and Emmet we in my room studying for our maths exams next week.
"What's 3(x+10)+8x(3+5xy)" Ellie asked me and emmet

"Err" Henry shouted he always does that he gets so into his games.
"What game is Henry playing?" Ellie asked me she loves playing Xbox
"Some knight, wizard thing, why don't you ask him?"I said Ellie got up and asked Henry then there was multiply shouts front the both of them.

"So are you going to talk?" Emmet said as he later next to me on my bed.
"What do you think I have been doing" I said
"Oh shh, I meant about the whole adopted thing" emmet said
"Emmet I found out last night give me then to talk" I said as I fiddled with my biological dads necklace which had a letter from my birth mum in it.

"Emmet dad's out side we need to go" Ellie shouted
"Coming, bye ellen" he said as he lent other to kiss me but I fell of my bed typically he just laughed as he left my room and said bye to Henry.

I was cleaning up my room when mum came back saying "Ellen, Henry I am home" she said as she sat with Henry on the sofa and joined the game.
"Hey how was it?" I asked her joining them on the sofa
"It was alright" mum said
"What did you say?" Me and Henry said at the same time, mums boyfriend proposed.
"You need to stop doing that and how did you know?" Mum asked
"We worked it out, so..." I said but mum didn't answer
"Poor guy" Henry said
"I didn't say no I said I would think about it" mum told us
"Poor guy" I said
"I am sorry but I don't want to ruin out little family" mum told us

"Mum no one will ever be like him again and Walsh is a good guy" I told her
"I know but he made us go to jail Ellen  while we could of been doing other thing like you being with friends and having fun not crying yourself to sleep every night then running away because you hope to see your dad again" mum reminded me
"We like Walsh" Henry said as I just nodded
"I am going to bed night" Henry said as he hugged mum

"So how did it go with Emmet?"mum asked
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I am not stupid I see how you too look at each other so.." Mum said
"Before he left he went to kiss me but I fell of my bed maybe its just not men at to happen" I told her
"Typical and don't think like that, always have hope"mum said
"Night" I said

Next day
I was walking out my room with my bag on my shoulder I was walking towards the door trying to sneak out.
"Good luck in you exam, you will do great and why are you escaping" mum asked
"I am late" I told her
"Okay" mum said
"Oh and staying late at school as have hockey practice" I told mum
"That's cool" mum said as I left.

As I was walking out of our building I meet Ellie and Emmet.
"You ready to go to hell and back"
"Oh shut up Emmet it's called a maths exam" Ellie shouted it was always funny when they had one of their twin moments.
"You two will pass this with flying colours" I said to my two best friends
"And so will you" emmet said as we got to school as we got there went stright to the hall and started the exam.

"We survived hell" Emmet said a she hugged me Ellie just sent him daggers.
"It was easy as"
"Pie" I interupted Ellie.

The day just flew past in a blink of an eye we were at practice, we were in the middle of practicing our tackling while I was telling Ellie about mum and Walsh.
"If she says yes, do you think we will get to be bridesmaid" Ellie asked
"Only you would think that and most probably" I said
"Swan, ford less yapping and more tackling" coach yelled
"Who pissed her off" I said to Ellie

"Emmet told me about you falling off the bed" Ellie smiled
"If course he did" I sighed
"You still like him" Ellie asked
"What do you think?" I said as Ellie's face lit up
"I knew it, Lillie owes me 15 quid" Ellie say with a smirk
"You had a bet on my feelings" I asked

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