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We have been in this town for nearly two weeks and all We have done is follow Henry while mum gets moaned at by Regina, we are now staying at Mary Margrets apartment which is nice and she is really nice.

"You have done what?" I asked mum.

"I enroled you at the school here so you can do your exams, you start in the morning" mum said

"Why?why did you do that? Why didn't you ask me or even tell me what you where thinking about" I was on the verge of shouting at this point

"Because Ellen because I am your mum and I get to make the decision that I feel will benefit you okay" brilliant excuse mum

"No it's not okay so much has changed during the course of 2 weeks, we had something good just us two and I had good friends and was doing well at school then Henry turns up drags us to this place then you decide that we are staying with out asking what I thought on the subject all because of Henry" this time I was yelling

"Yes we had some thing good but sometimes things change, not just because of Henry I have your best interest at heart too, this is a small town, we always move to big cities maybe a small place is good for us and yes I am doing this because Henry and that's because I regret giving him up and I want to show him that and I don't want to do to him what your dad did to us just leave and run, I am sorry I didn't ask you but I was doing what I felt was right for us" mum said

"You aren't dad, you won't run and leave Henry behind, that's dad's job your job is to be my mum which you do perfectly" I had calmed down a tad

"I am glad you think that I won't run and I know talking about your dad is tough and I don't do it often enough but that's because it's tough for me too and I must be good at something as I have this young lady as my dauhter who I am utterly proud of so please just go to the school it won't be for long"

"Mum I have never pushed you to talk about dad but that's because I know it must have been 10 times harder for you than it was for me when he left and fine I will go"

"Thank you now go to bed you have a big day tomorrow" mum said as she ushered me upstairs.

It was my first day at Henry's school, I had to wear a uniform here but at home I don't I get to wear what I want.
The uniform wasn't to bad, it was a white pollo shirt, black skirt, black tights and a navy blue cardigan with two white Strips on my left arm, I put my hair in a French braid to keep it out of my eyes and so it won't be annoying.

I grabbed by satchel and walked down the stair and passed mum as she said "morning sleepy head, wow I have never seen you in a school uniform"
As I sat down Mary Margret passed me a bowl of ceral as I said "oh shh you make me sound like rebel which I am not, just want to get this day over with"

Mum just smiled with no answer.
Once I had finished shoving ceral in my mouth I grabed my bag and starting heading to the door then turned around and said "Wait how am I getting to school?"

"Bus with Henry"mum replied

"Seriously Mary Margret couldn't you just give me a lift" asked Mary Margret with puppy dog eyes.

"No sorry Ellen your getting the bus with Henry but the minute you get there come stright to my class and I will give you your time table" I nodded and turned to the door and as I opened Henry was outside the door.

"Morning, you ready" I nodded and we left.

As we got off the bus I followed Henry to find Mary Margret.
"Hey, Mary Margret time table please"

"If course Ellen here you go, enjoy your day"

I left looking for my first class, maths.
I found it as I entered the teacher said "Hello there, you must be the new girl Ellen Swan, there i a seat at the back with a text book and notebook with your name on"

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