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We were all standing in Arthur's throne room there is going to be ball tonight in our honour which means I will have to wear a dress.
Merlin is stuck in a tree and the saviour, my mum, is meant to get him out but Regina said that she was the saviour the look every one gave her was pure shock, the evil queen the saviour.

I was siting on my bed playing with my necklace everyone was downstairs arguing about what to do and I didn't want to be a part of it.

While playing with my necklace I managed to open it and my mum's note fell on to my lap but something else did a picture, a painted picture of me and a man he was tall and had brown hair we were both smiling, he had his arm around my shoulder, I had a feeling that he could be my dad.

I ran down the stairs shouting ''hook, hook, I found something" I said waving the picture hook was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.
"What did you find?" He asked
"This" I showed hook the picture as he looked at it, he had a smile on his face.
"Is that" I said everyone was around us at this point
"Your father yes" hook said
"How?" I asked
"We must of meet him in camerlot" Regina said
"I can't remember because my mum took out memories" I said
"I am going to get them back" I said determined
"How are you going to do that?" Gran asked
"I am going to visit my mum" I said walking towards the door and before they could protest I was out the door walking to the forest.

I was putting my dress on, my dress was a light blue, it went down to the floor, it had silver lace on the neck line and around my chest, a silver belt that tied up and the untied belt touched the floor, the sleeves were white and near my elbows had silver lace and in my hair I had a flower crown made out of blue bells to match my dress.
Me and Henry went to meet mum in her room, when we walked in she hugged us "You two look beautiful and handsome".

At the ball everyone was dancing Henry had found a girl to talk to, I just stood on the side bored out of my mind then a boy came and stood next to me he was wearing a brown jacket with golden leaves embroaded on to it and tight black trousers, he looked about my age maybe a year older, he was tall, golden blonde hair and dark blue eyes that looked like the night sky.
"Hello, your one of the guests" he asked
"Yes I am" I said
"I am Albert" he introduced
"I am Ellen swan" I told him
"Ellen, care to have this dance?" Albert asked me
"Yes it would be my pleasure" I said as he lead me to the dance floor.
We danced, it was so much fun with Albert the world melted away from my veiw and all I could we was Albert, we danced past mum a couple of times and she just smiled.
As the song for the next dance stopped I looked over at mum, her and hook were talked to a tall man, him and hook were smiling from ear to ear.

Hook's POV
Me and swan were having the time of our lives forgetting about her darkness and all our problems then I turned round and saw a face I haven't seen in 17 years.

"Is it true is it really killian Jones" a voice said
"Elijah is that you?" I asked as I couldn't trust my eyes
"Aye it is mate" Elijah said as we hugged.
"I can't believe it's you, how long has it been?" I asked
"17 years and who is this beautiful lady?" Elijah asked
"Emma swan" Emma said
"My pleasure" Elijah said

"So Elijah, what have you been doing, mate?" I asked
"Well it's abit of a story, I traveled here as a drunk and pisssd off at the world, arthur welcomed me with open arms, i explained everything to him and he made me royal explorer, gave me a ship and a crew and let me carry on looking for my daughter but I never had any luck, how's the jolly rodger?" He told me, I felt bad for him but knew that seeing Ellen would cheer him up.
"She's perfect as ever and we found your daughter" I told him
"Where is she? How did you find her?" Elijah asked his face had lit up and he had a massive smile.
"She's my adoptive daughter" Emma said
"She's yours" Elijah muttered
"Yes, she is a lovely, beautiful and caring young lady" Emma told him
"Is she here?" Elijah said as Ellen dances passed
"Aye, she's other there dancing with that" I told him
"Boy" Emma practically shouted
"She's so beautiful just like her mother, evie" Elijah said

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