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It has been 2 weeks since Graham died and it's wierd I don't see him around anymore I got use to seeing graham around and speaking him, mums kept herself to herself and is really quiet she barely talks about work any more. She got walkie talkies from me good for me and Henry, we use them alot and we have even got code names for each other, mine is 'cygnet' and Henry's is 'millsey', we even gave mum a code name 'potter' and we gave Regina one to 'dumbledoor'.

I was laying on my bed doing some home work when my phone went off it was a text from mum.
M: can you meet me at granny's in 5 x
E: yeah sure

I walked into granny's and sat opposite mum.

"Hey, is everything alright" I asked mum

"No it's not I just got fired" mum sounded peeved off

"Wait what why" mum got.fired mum never gets fired as far as I know.

"Well after 2 weeks if no one is given sheriff title then it's automatically the deputy but Regina decided to appoint Sydney class today" mum said of course Regina.

"Sydney glass the news reporter?" I asked and Mum nodded

"Why him what does he know about being sheriff?" I think I knew the answer to my question.

"Well he is at reginas beck and call but Regina says it's because he has been covering the sheriff's station for as long as she can remeber" mum said

"So basically he is her puppet"

Mum just nodded we stayed at granny's for a little bit longer than went back back.
Once we got home my phone started ringing and I liked at it and it was Ellie calling so I went to my room to answer it.

Ellen: hey Ellie you alright?

Ellie - I am great thanks I was just listening to the script which made me think about you, how's storybrooke?

Ellen: it's alright thanks how's home?

Ellie: it alright missing you loads though geography isn't the same without you. When you coming home?

Ellen: miss you too and I don't know hopefully soon

Ellie: I can't wait.

Ellen: maybe when exams are over I could come to Boston for the day.

Ellie: that's would be amazing.

Ellen: yeah it would be got to go, bye.

I hung up and went down stairs just as mum left Mary Margret said something about mum going to reginas office to set things right, well if mums going to talk to regina good luck to both of them As the mood mums in she may say something she regrets.

As mum wasn't around I decided to do some homework/revision, Mary Margret helped me where she could.
About 30 minutes later mum came back looking smug.

"What did you do?" I asked

"We are having an election for sheriff and I am running and I ran into Henry, Regina told him that he was born in prison then may or may not of saved reginas life" mum said

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