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We were waiting for mum, she had popped out quickly to get something.
Henry was playing a game while I sat in the bed reading my comic I was already nearly finished it, I had completely zoned out and gone into another world I was there in the comic standing in doctor stranges shadow, siting next to him and scalert witch in the sorcers pub, running next to him as he saved the world undetected then I was pulled out of my fantasy world by Henry's shouting.

"ELLEN" "ELLEN" "Earth to Ellen" Henry said as he waved his hand up and down infront of my face to catch my attention.
"What, can I help you?" I said bluntly
"I am hungry" he whined
"Nice to meet you hungry I am Ellen" I said sarcastically
"No I am Henry but I want food" heir said starting to get annoyed
"That's nice for you" I said
"Its not nice for me can't we go get food" Henry said
"Just wait till mum gets back" I said to him
"But I am hungry now" Henry moaned
"Well I have no money so you are going to have to be patient" I told him

Before Henry could protest there was a knock at the door I went to it opened it thinking it was mum
"Mum, I would like to introduce you to hungry" I said winding Henry up
"Mum, she won't stop saying that but I am still Henry and my tummy is hungry" Henry said round the corner of the room, neither of us had realised that it wasn't mum.
"So your tummy is called hungry that's normal" I said
There was I laugh at the door we both turned round and realised that it wasn't mum it was madam mayor
"Oh sorry about that madam mayor" we both said
"Its fine no need to be sorry" madam mayor said
"Your mums got a lead on her case and asked if i could look after the two of you, So Henry would you like ice cream?" Madam mayor asked
"I would love some"  Henry said
"Come on Ellen" Henry said dragging me with him

We were eating our ice cream while walking round the pond and talking
"How's the ice cream?" Regina asked
"Great" I said smiling
"We use to get ice cream alot back home" Henry said
"This is better though" I said
"Storybrooke has it's peeks I know it's not like the big city" the mayor said
"Its different here a good different, New York has so many peole it can make you feel crowded" Henry explained
"Well here everyone knows everybody it's like a big family" madam mayor said as henry and her walked towards the pond as I just sat on a bench and looked at my phone and was meet with millions of messages of the twins.
Ellie: how's the road trip?
: its not the same with out you
: I am bored
: bored I tell you bored
: how dare you leave me in this place with these people
:i see how it is youe just going to ignore me know
: hello anybody there
Ellen: hello and it's not my fault mum picked this week of all weeks

Emmet: my dear twin has told me you have gone on a road trip with out saying goodbye how rude
: you left me to put up with hell with out you how rude
: I can't survive
: oi swan answer me
: it's rude to ignore you friend
: after all we have been through you just ignore me how rude
Ellen: you always survive hell, oi ford correction best friend and stop quoting full house.

Emmet : she's alive
Ellie: you are alive phew

I smiled at my two best friends being utter idiots but I love them (as friends) none the less.

"Ellen, Henry us going fishing with Leroy, do you want to go?" Mum said as I looked up from my comic I nearly finished it only 4 pages left.
"Oh yeah totally I love fishing" I said Mum looked at me picking up on the sarcasm.
"Well what are you going to do then" mum asked
"Well I am 17 so am more than capable to stay here in my own" I told her
"Fine but you can't be lazy all day" mum said
"I won't nearly finished doctor strange and I saw that the library had all of the ms marvel comics so I will just get them and read them" I said
"You and marvel comics" mum smiled
"Don't blame me, blame the ford's" I said
"Of course it was them" mum said
"Ellie have me dead pool and Emmet gave me captain America and in return I gave them the first 4 books of harry potter as they had nevee read them" I said
"Really! That's a crime" mum said
"Got to go I will call in later" mum said as she hugged me then left.
That's how I spent my day with my head in comic book.
I was half way through the third ms marvel when mum texted me.

Mum: hey could you come down to grannys thought we could have lunch MX
Ellen : okay coming down now EX

When I got into granny's I spotted mum siting in the booth near the door, I walked striaght over to her I went to sit next her then I spotted someone, someone I hoped I would never see again.

"What..what WWWhat are you doing here?" I shouted
"Ellen I" my dad tried to explain
"Actually I don't want to hear" I cut him off
"Ellen please listen to me" dad begged
"Is he the reason we came here" I asked mum
"No no he isn't" I started wlaking away
"Ellen wait" dad shouted after me
"Why should I" I asked him
"I am sorry" he said
"Your sorry for what making me and mum take the fall for your stupid arse, you did the crime we did the time" I told him
"Ellen I regretted it the minute I did it" dad said
"Your only saying that because it's what I want to hear so for once stop lieing" I shouted making everyone in granny's stop what they were doing and watch.
"I am not lieing" dad defended
"Whatever I am not listening I dont want to hear more lies come out your mouth" I shouted again
"Ellen" "Ellen come back" I heard footsteps follow methen stop I am assuming that mum told him to stop
I got back up to the room and resumed what I was doing before him, I blocked out what happened other wise I might break down into tears.

A couple hours later mum came into the room and sat next to me
"Hey Ellen can you put the book down for a minute" mum said and I did as I was told
"It's about your dad" I tensed up at the word dad mum noticed and grabed my hand.
"I am so so sorry but your dad he is in dd..dead " mum started to tear up and I buried my head into her shoulder and cried we sat there for ages we didn't say a word just cried.

The funeral was really nice the whole  turned up, I didn't leave mums side, every one put soil on top of his coffin when it came to my turn I couldnt move it was as if my feet were glued to the ground then I felt this arm go round my shoulder I looked up and it was mum I moved to the pile of soil and picked it up before I put it on to his coffin I said "good bye dad and I forgive you" I gave mum the shovel
We got to grannys mum kept shoting dart after dart.
Peopel I never knew came up to me and mum and said sorry, when I should really be the one saying sorry to dad for the crap I gave him for wanting to apologise, I went back to the room and just sat on the bed thinking about the good memories with dad and there were lots.

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