Chapter 27

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During the battle between Snake and Mammoth, Trent kept going toward the landing zone, where he'll rescue Sunny and Jack. He managed to slip past most of the guards, but when he reached the landing zone, security was more tight. The guards carried sniper rifles, drones patrolling on the air, cameras watching over the corners, and most of all...

"Cyborgs? They have Cyborgs like Fox? What the hell?" Trent thought out-loud. Trent will need to find another way, he can't use a disguise, for the cyborgs will recognize him easily. So he'll have to use the old-fashion way and just sneak his way through.

Thankfully, with the training he got from Raiden, he should be able to sneak past them.

Meanwhile, A chopper is slowly descending in the landing zone, where both Colonel Viktor and the Dictator, Kim jung Un.

"It seems he has done his mission," Kim said.

"Of course, he has to follow our orders, no matter what."

Kim and Viktor are being escorted by several cyborgs, carrying P-90's and blades. In front of them was one of the choppers that was in the ship that Jack and the others were at. Trent is taking out all the snipers surrounding them, then take out all possible routes of escape for the two. Trent hopes to take out both of them before they can escape.

"Now that we have leverage, Dr. Emmerich will work for us no matter what. Soon, America will fall," Kim said.

"I have to say,working with you has really improved our military," The Colonel said. "Soon, the world will crumble to our ways. As long as we have Metal Gear and the elite soldiers, The world will bow before Communism once again."

The helicopter engine turned off, an a man wearing a mask and a tactical espionage sneaking suit that Maverick usually use for espionage missions. The spy must've stole one in the armory. Trent needs to take out the guards first, then take out the spy. Once he does that, he'll be able to take out colonel and the dictator once and for all.

"Have you finish your mission?" The colonel asked.

"Yes," The soldier said. "I captured the two."


"It seems we'll have to end our partnership."


One of the cyborgs stabbed Kim behind him. Kim coughed out blood before he can ask,


"You see Kim, it's time for this alliance to end. We only used you for your resources and military strength."


"Yes... I'm working for someone."

"What?" Trent thought. Viktor continued.

"America's way of government has too much loose threads. Soviet Russia back in the days were the true ways of politics. Communism is our true way for humanity to thrive on. And thanks to the researches and technologies both Professor Olwood and Dr. Emmerich gave me, I'll have to ultimate military to support my cause. And my partner... well, my TRUE partner. The one who helped me get back on my feet after Cipher was out trying to silence me out. I was the only survivor back in Tselinoyarsk. Cipher's men hunted each and every person who knew Operation Snake Eater. If it weren't for my partner, I'd be dead. In exchange for my life, he trained me become who I am now, so that I destroy America once and for all."

"But... I wanted the same thing."

"Heh... the same? You wanted to take America and make it your own. You only wanted to take it's government and make it yours. What I want, is to destroy it completely; only then can Communism truly be resurrected. Once Metal Gear destroys America, China and Russia will have no choice but to surrender. Then I can finally fulfill my dream and pay my debt for my partner."

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