Chapter 24

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*Music Start*


Both snipers fired directly at each other, one bullet with speed, the other with a powerful force.


Somehow, both the bullets missed, but scraped their target. Snake at the arm, and Wolf at her left cheek. Both side moved position to avoid getting shot at again; Snake came toward Otacon. "Hang on, Otacon," Snake gave Otacon first aid to heal the wound on his arm and leg. It'll stop the bleeding, but Otacon need to get to the Chopper.


Another shot came through the wall. Luckily, it was only centimeters away from Snake. "Damn it! I was way off!" Wolf yelled. "That shot really got me paranoid. No-one had ever managed to get a shot at me." Wolf moved to a new position so that Snake won't be able to track her movement. Meanwhile, Snake is trying to come up with a strategy and plan. When he fought Mammoth, he was close, so he had plenty of opening; Mantis was suicidal so she gave Snake every chance he can get; the twin dragons were outnumbered; but Wolf was smart, has good instinct and is equally skillful in CQC as Snake and Abigail Jackson. They only way Snake would be able to defeat Wolf, is to fight her with sniper rifles. So, in a way, it's out of the frying pan and into the fire. As Snake is trying outmaneuver Wolf, he is trying to first come up an idea to get her position, but also not get shot. Snake looked into his pouch and looked at his options. He could either, throw a smoke grenade, move out in the open and hope to make it in one piece; Throw an empty mag, get her attention to fire and snipe at her position; or use night-vision goggles to spot out her positions. Either way, he'll be an open target, there won't be any way to stay safe and attack. 'Damn it,' Snake thought, "I'm just gonna do all three options then. Ocelot, use that Stealth Camo to get out here."

"But Snake-"

"HAL! Sunny is waiting for you, she's worrying about you. PLEASE, FOR SUNNY'S SAKE, GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!"

"...Ok..." Otacon turned on his Stealth Camo and disappeared. Snake reloaded his rifle, took out his smoke  grenade and threw it out in the open.


Wolf took the bait, and Snake went on the move. He went towards the exit, hoping to reach the rooftop and reach the high ground. However, Wolf still has Snake in her sight.


Snake was then got scrape at his left arm as he left the room. 'Wait a minute... Something's not right. According to Wolf's profile, she's one of the best sniper; so good that she surpassed Sniper Wolf. So how am I still in piece?' Meanwhile, Wolf wasn't looking good herself. Every-time she aim, she loose her sighting and was slightly off on her firing. 'What the hell is going on with me?' she thought. 'Why can't I shoot right?' While wolf is reloading, Snake went and look at his gun. 'No way, this is...' Snake look into his mags that was found next to the sniper rifle. And in the mags was-


A bullet was fired through a wall, near Snake's head. Snake kept going and if hearing towards the roof. "Damn it, I need to keep moving. But with this, it should give me an advantage against her." Snake reached the roof. Even though the rooftop is that LAST place to be when fighting a sniper, Snake has a plan. He reloaded his gun and put on in night-vision goggles. No matter how good a soldier is in hiding, a human can not hide their body temperature.


Wolf fired another bullet, but Snake successfully dodged the bullet and started shooting where Wolf fired her gun.


Snake fired three shots at her. One only hit her hair, the second hit the tree, and the third got her shoulder. Wolf grunted in pain as she fell down the tree and into the bushes. Snake is trying to get her in his sight, but, it seem like Wolf has disappeared. "Damn it!" Snake yelled. "Where the hell did she go?" Snake looked around, hoping to find Wolf before he gets shot. Meanwhile, Wolf is hiding in a bush, disguising herself so that she can stop the bleeding in her shoulder; however, the shot made her lose even more of her skill with the rifle. The longer this battle goes, the greater the chance for Snake to actually defeat Wolf. "Damn it! How the hell-" Wolf had just figured out why this is happening. "His bullets are drugged! Crap! I need to end this soon, or else I'm gonna die... I can't die... not until he does first..." Snake can't seem to find a heat signature on her, 'Damn it,' He thought. 'Where the hell could she be hiding?'

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