Chapter 13

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After the bombs were disabled, and run into some complications, I went inside the building to go rescue the doc's family. Luckily, there's no guards inside. I guess the ones outside were the only guards. As I enter the building, there was a hallway filled with rooms, one by one I enter each and every room so I can find them. Sadly, no-one is in them; but there's a stairway across the end of the hallway, They could be on the second floor. I headed upstair and it was only a lounge room, with a living across and kitchen behind the stairs. There was another room though; I'm guessing they're in there. As I walked closer, I heard footstep and a door closing. They must be hiding considering all the events that happened outside. I knocked on the door.


"G-go away! We'd done nothing to you, please leave us alone!" Yelled a feminine voice. Must be the Doc's wife, I should try to calm her down. "M'am you're perfectly sa-"


I wasn't at the door but I can tell that she has a shotgun with her. Seems like she's not going without a fight.

"M'am, calm down! I'm not here to hurt you!"

"Stay away from my child. She had nothing to do with our experiments. Leave her be?!"

Experiments? What is she talking about?

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt anyone, I'm here to rescue you. I'm coming in unarmed. Please don't shoot." I said as I lower my gun and walked towards the room. Luckily, no gunshot so she must be waiting. As I walked in the room, there was a woman ,carrying a shotgun, with dark skin and dark hair, around same age as the Doc. When she looked at me, she seemed shocked. "Cooper? Is that you?" She said.

"What? How do you know my name?"

"You don't remember me?"

I tried to think back; then I remembered. "Ms. Angela? Is that you?"

Luis Angela was my science teacher back from High School. She was an amazing teacher, yet also scary. You mess with her, she'll make you suffer with tons of homework or detention. But, she does that because she has hope for us, especially me. After I found out my mom died, she was the only person that comforted me. She was the only family I had left, even though we weren't blood-related. Before I graduated, she said she was getting married and that she'd had to move. I was sad, but I want her to be happy. She deserved it.

"What the hell are you doing here?!?!" I said. "Don't tell me that Olwood is your husband?"

"Yeah he is, and he's a good man. I take it you met him?"

I nodded. "He told me that the Russians are holding you hostage here. I didn't think it was you."

She smiled. "It's been a long time hasn't it Cooper, you grown up so fast."

Then another door creaked opened, must be the closet.

"Mommy, is it safe to come out?"

A little girl came out of the closet, she has dark-skin, black hair, just like her mother; she seems to be around 4 to 5 years old. I'm guessing she was born about the same time I graduated. I guess she must be one of the reasons why she left.

"It's okay sweetie, you can come out. It was just an old friend."

The little girl came closer, "Who is he mommy?"

"An old friend, Jessie."

Ms. Angela, or should I say Mrs. Olwood, turned to me. "Cooper, this is Jessica Olwood. Mine and John's daughter."

Jessica was hiding behind her mother, I guess she's scared of me. I layed on one knee and talked to her. "It's ok Jessica, I'm not here to hurt you or my mommy." She then looked at me with concerned. "You promise?" She asked and was shaking. She seemed scared.

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