Chapter 1 (Re-write)

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Disclaimer: Metal Gear Series = Hideo Kojima; Percy Jackson = Rick Riordan

Chapter 1 (Old - Rewrite version at bottom. Temporarily keeping old chapters until re-write is complete)

The sun is as bright as ever in Afganistan. It's not easy working out here, every step you make could be your last one. "Jackson," I turned. It was none other than Jack Castellan, my only squad member and true friend. "why aren't you at the cafeteria? its too early to start excercising," he said. "Early bird gets the worm," Jack rolled his eyes. "yea, but you're not AT THE CAFETERIA." I wasn't hungry to be honest. I needed to be in top shape for the mission we're taking. this is my last mission before I discharge; I've seen enough war for two lifetimes, I need a break. "I'm just not hungry," I said. "why?" he asked. I just shrugged. "I wanna get ready for the mission," jack laughed. "C'mon dude whats so different about this mission to the others we did?". I thought about that, for some reason, I've been having nightmares about this mission that I don't understand. They were mostly images. there was some sort of base, a drug/syringe, and a giant robot. i never knew what they mean but they keep happening. maybe im just hallucinating. "I don't know, I just feel its different," I said. Jack doesn't know about this; if he did, he'll send me to a therapist like a "good friend". I don't need anyone to worry for me, I can take care of myself. Jack looked unconvinced. "Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded. "ok then,."

We went to the cafeteria later on to get some grubs before we head to the board room for the breifing. We've arrived to the boardroom. "Its about time you showed up". That was our operation commander, sergeant O'Brian, he's one of our best strategist and toughest S.O.B. Without him, we would already be dead."sorry sir, we were at the cafeteria getting something to eat," Jack said. "oh well, you're here now. Now we can Begin our Briefing."

"As you can see. Our target is heavily protected and we can't raid in or else the target will escape. so we're gonna go in very sneaky in groups of two on each side. Cooper and Jack will head to south side of the village, Trent and Michael will head to the east, and me and George will head to the west. it's heavily armed on the north side of the village so I'm guessing our target is there. We're going by night so we went be easily seen, so get some rest right now and be prepared by nightfall. Alright, dismissed." We all stand up and left the briefing room.

"Sarge must be pretty serious about this mission, I haven't seen him this worked up on an operation before," Michael said. Michael's a weapon expert and can make a weapon out pieces of papers. In other words, he's a total 'blacksmith'. He's also Latino but he's also an orphan. He lost his family from the cartels when he was young, ever since then, he's looking for the guy that killed his family. "I agree as well man, he acted like it was his last mission ever," Trent said. Trent's our demolition man but also can be the stealthiest any of us can ever be. He taught us a technique on how to defend ourself without our weapons called CQC (close quarter combat) and thanks to that, we're more than ready for any mission we take. None of us know if his past but he's very loyal, even to the end, and we can always trust him. "Really? I thought he'll be like that all the time," George said. George Truman is the rookie in the squad. He's very young and already graduated from college; we never understood why he joined the military, but he's a good kid, and smart so he's our technician. From an iPod to a supercomputer, he can hack through anything. "Nope, he's usually more calm and less stressed. I don't see why he's acting all serious now all of a sudden," I said. "Maybe it's because of our target. I mean, the guy invented a way to make nuclear weapons without it being unstable and have radiation," jack said. Proffessor Olwood invented a way of how to make nuclear weapons without it being contaminated. because of that, many big countries like North Korea, Russia, China, and America wants him to work for them. "Oh well you guys, we'll talk about this AFTER we finish the mission ok?" Michael said.

Metal Gear Omegaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें