~ Chapter 40: off to battle ~

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Akiko was sitting at a table with Rufus, Yukino and Orga, talking about random stuff. However, they stopped when Rogue and Sting came running towards her with a face filled with mixed emotions. She raised an eyebrow as they panted in front of her.

She asks "What's wrong?"

"Read... This," Sting breathed out, holding out a letter to her. "We... Can't really read it... We were hoping you could..."

After trying to decipher Erza's ridiculous handwriting...

"There you go...," Akiko finished.

How the hell did she decipher that? Everyone thought. Yukino was passed out on the ground, driven insane from trying to decipher the writing but failed. Only Rufus and Akiko managed to do so.

The black-haired female closed the letter, sighing. A smile came to her lips as she looked at the two. "I'll watch the guild," she stated. "You guys go and get her back," Sting smiled and hugged her. "Oh, and take this with you," she handed him a lacrima. "Call if you need me. Shiro will come with you to protect your exceeds," he nodded.

Sting promised "We'll come back with her, we promise."

"You better, you know how much I hate working," Akiko joked before hugging him back. "Now get going before you waste anymore time. "

"Right!" The two yelled, before running off with their exceeds plus a snake.

She watches them as they ran off, murmuring "You better come back. Or I'll have their heads."

The guild sweat-drops. But wouldn't that defeat the purpose?


Sting and Rogue arrived at the battlefield just in time, managing to save Minerva from near death. In front of them stood Mard Geer, the man behind the Face Operation and behind them was Erza. In one hour, all magic was going to disappear from the world.

If magic disappears from the world, then... Sting thought to himself, sweating. A image of Akiko flashes through his head, then flashes of corpses and blood. There'll be nothing to stop her inner demons... The world will be doomed. She'll go on a rampage. I've got to stop these guys before that happen!


Akiko sits at a table, staring at the lacrima in front of her in boredom. Orga said "You know, staring at the lacrima is not going to do anything."

"I'm aware," she stated, sighing. "I'm just bored - and no, I am not writing another song."

Yukino suggested, sweat-dropping "How about you some paperwork to occupy your time, Akiko? I'm sure there's still some you can do. It'll at least ease your boredom."

"I don't really want to," she replied. "Besides, there's not really any to do. Sting finished the last of them a few days ago..."

Her eyes stayed glued to the lacrima in front of her. I wonder how Shiro is going... He's probably fine, he hasn't soul linked me yet. Now, I'm wondering how Sting and Rogue are doing.... She sighs again. I miss Sting... I feel like a puppy waiting for her Master to return... Wait, I'm not dog!

"She must really miss Sting," Yukino murmured quietly.

Rufus and Orga nodded in agreement as they watched the black-haired female stare at the Lacrima, almost like she was waiting for him to call.


Shiro hissed violently at the 'mushroom' in front of him. Pantherlily said "Is something wrong, Shiro? You've been hissing at him for five minutes."

"I don't like mushrooms," the white snake replied, glaring at the mushroom demon.

Lector said "Really? You didn't have any problem with him before until now."

"I thought he was a fungi, then realised how much he looks like a shiitake mushroom, and I absolutely hate shiitake mushrooms," Shiro hissed. "I'm gonna kill him."

"Now now, I'm sure we can come to a reasonable conclusion...," the mushroom said, sweating. "Let's just talk this out, shall we?"

"I don't talk to mushrooms."



Sting growled annoyingly as he glared at his opponent, Mard Geer. None of his or Rogue's attack were working, not that they were landing on him in the first place. He needed to hurry, he needed to defeat the foe in front of him before Face is activated.


"Cool off, idiot," Akiko said, a small smile on her face as she watched him, amused. "Being an angry little twerp just ain't your style."


A grin came to Sting's face. Alright, let's do this. I'll come back with M'lady. I promised and I plan to keep it.


Akiko lifted up her head as she sensed something. She sighs once more, before laying her head back on the table to stare at the lacrima. Please be careful, Sting. Please.


Shiro hissed violently as he tried his hardest not to accidentally kill the exceeds in his grasps. Lector said "It's getting hard to breath, Shiro."

"I can't... Control my body," the snake hissed.

"Well, we gotta do something before you end up killing us," Happy pointed out.

"No shit, sherlock."

Pantherlily said "Better hurry, I think my ribs are cracking."

"I think so too!" Frosch exclaimed.

Meanwhile, Erza's hand were at her throat, the same happened to Minerva. She was desperately trying to stop herself from killing herself as she listened to the two female demons talk and talk. It wasn't long before Mirajane arrived and punched Kyoka, effectively releasing the curse that was placed on the exceeds, snake, Minerva and Erza. Shiro lets the exceeds go, quickly slithering away.

"Yay! We're free!" The exceeds cheer as their control over their bodies returned to them.

The only problem was, Face was activated, the only thing left was for the opposition to detonate them.


Akiko's body froze as she felt her heartbeat pulse throughout her body.






Soul linked.

Her eyes turned blue, the last thing she heard was the sound of her Sabertooth friends calling out her name as her mind vanishes from her body.

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