~ Chapter 10: Fight With All You've Got ~

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"We're halfway through Day 3 of the Grand Magic Games! So let's take a look at the team's current standings!" Chapati announced.

Akiko didn't pay attention much to that part, she mostly spent her time talking with her partner, Shiro. She only stopped as she felt someone staring at her. She lifted up her chin slightly and scanned the area for the culprit. Her eyes landed on a familiar, blue eyes. It was Sting's. They stared at each other for what seems like centuries, Sting was the first to look away, a blush adorning his face as he realised he had been caught. She smiled slightly, propping her chin on her hand, mouthing "Cute."

Wait, did I just think and mouth that? She sighs. Why did I just think that? Something must be wrong with me.

Her silent words did not go unnoticed by the blonde, his face turned as red as Scarlet's hair and he quickly diverted his attention of the current happenings of the Grand Magic Games. Damn, she's got me blushing like a lovesick puppy. It's supposed to be the other way around! He thought to himself, slightly embarrassed.

It was time for the battle rounds.

"First up! The kitten with major claws! Mermaid Heel's Milliana! Against Quatro Puppy's Giant Savus!"

After a few struggles by the little kitten, Milliana managed to win the round.


"Let's hear for the Saber that sings for the red moon! Sabertooth's Rufus Lore!" Cheers could be heard from the crowd. "He will be facing off with Blue Pegasus's Holy Night, Eve Tilm!

The winner was Rufus, who revealed to use maker magic, called 'Memory make'. An odd magic, but it was very efficient in his fight against the snow mage.


"Now it's time for the third match of the day!" Mato announced.

"Bringing the lightning is Fairy Tail B's Laxus Dreyar! Going up against the most mysterious man under the mask, Raven Tail's Alexei!"

The fight began. Akiko narrowed her eyes as she sees Laxus getting beaten up by a Raven Tail member so easily. The way this Laxus fought, was not his fighting style, she knew that.

Something is wrong, I just know it, she thought to herself.

His efforts to take down Raven Tail was almost in vain as he wasn't making any effective attacks on him or the fact that Alexei looked like he was beating the crap out of him. She lifted up her chin slightly, her blazing red eyes staring into their souls, literally. Except, instead of seeing their souls, she saw the actual fight. "Tch, idiotic, moronic assholes," she muttered to herself.

She closed her eyes, and laid her head down. She lost interest in the fight, she knew who the winners were going to be.

Her predictions were correct, Laxus won the fight, revealing to everyone that what they have been seeing was just an illusion created by Alexie. In reality, Laxus was fighting against the entirety of the Raven Tail. Despite that however, Laxus defeated all of them and Raven Tail was disqualified from the games - one being that Raven Tail's master, Ivan, had entered the games as a competitor.


"Fairy Tail A's Wendy Marvell! Vs Lamia Scale's Chelia Blendy!"

The last match of the day was between Wendy of Fairy Tail A vs Chelia of Lamia Scale. It ended as a tie between the two since they didn't finish their fight under the 30 minute mark, meaning Fairy Tail A and Lamia Scale receive 5 points each. It was revealed that both have similar magic. Wendy uses Sky Dragon Slaying magic, while Chelia uses Sky God Slaying magic. With that, it was the end of the Grand Magic Games Day 3.

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