~ Chapter 17: I Will Do This ~

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Akiko stops running some time, trying to catch her breath. Geez, I wish my wounds would heal already but.... She shook her head, before continuing on her way. "You should really take a break, your wounds haven't healed yet," Shiro hissed. "You're just going to make them worse."

"Hmm, I know," she said, still running towards the location of Millianna.

"I can't believe that Sting guy made you his mate, and you even let him too," Shiro hissed.

She mumbled "Just shut up, Shiro and be helpful will ya?"

"Your problem, not mine."

"Why are you so cold?" She muttered, slightly pissed.

She jumped into the sky, an ice path forming under her as she moved towards her destination.


Meanwhile, it slowly turned dark as Laxus defeated Jura while Juvia and Gray crushes Lyon and Chelia. Around this time, Gajeel and Rogue had engaged in battle - Gajeel being the winner of the match.

Soon, it turned pitch black and a firework was shot into the sky. "I'm ready Fairy Tail! Let's go! Come and get me!" A voice yelled. It was Sting's. He was giving a personal invitation for Fairy Tail to verse him. He was the only one left standing of his team.


The black-haired female breathes heavily as she reaches Millianna, noticing that she was still unconscious. She carefully searched through the unconscious girl, making sure to avoid touching the injuries. Her eyes lit up as she saw a sleeping red exceed.

She breathed out in relief. He's ok at least. Now, time for Millianna. She carefully froze over the small injuries, before picking up Lector and tossing the older girl over her shoulder carefully. "Are you an idiot?" Shiro asks, sighing.

"Perhaps so. I'll be fine though," Akiko said, walking towards the light firework in the beautiful night sky.

She stared at the sky as she walked, muttering "Odd. The sky looks dull today. It's been like that for a while now."

"Is that all you have to say when your injuries could be getting worse?" Shiro hissed. She shrugs.

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does."

"No it doesn't."

"Yes, it does."

"No, it doesn't."

"Yes, it does."

"No, it doesn't."

They continue to argue pointlessly as she continued to walk towards her new destination. There voices were generally quiet, since they didn't want to wake up the sleeping, red exceed. He seems to be in a peaceful state, stable and perfectly unharmed. Sting was going to be happy to see him. Very happy. And she knew it.


All five members of Fairy Tail had gathered at the open gardens of Crocus. In front of them stood a blonde-haired male.

"Now there's a sight," he mused, cockily. "It's weird. Being surrounded by heroes of my childhood, it really isn't all that grand."

Gajeel said, getting straight to the point "Enough chitchat. We didn't come out here to make pals."

"We'll fight you one on one, pick somebody," Gray said.

Sting said in a cocky tone "Why not all at once? With those injuries, one on one will be boring."

Juvia stated "Do not underestimate us. Ask your comrades."

"Wouldn't dream of it," he began. "I'm trying to treat you with the respect you deserve. That's why I'll destroy you altogether! I've been waiting for this moment! I'll show you how strong I've become! I'll do it for Lector!"


Akiko breathed in heavily, her body was worn out at this point. Millianna said "Akiko! You need to rest! Your body can't take much more of this!"

She waved her hand off at the cat-obsessed female - who had woken up some time ago. "I'll be fine," she said. "I'll survive. You should return to your guild, they must be worried about you."


"Please, just let me do this," Akiko pleaded quietly. "I promise I'll rest after this."

Milliana sighs, giving into the girl's pleas, before running off. Shiro hissed "I didn't know you could be so convincing."

"Shut up," she said, continuing on her way again.

I have to hurry.


Magic power surrounded him, swirling around him. He said arrogantly "Prepare to witness the true power of a dragon slayer!" He had a smirk on his face, but that vanish when he saw the looks on his opponents faces.

They were standing tall, stoically glaring him down. No sign of fear in them at all. His magic power dissipated.

Why am I hesitating? He asks himself. They're all bruised and beaten! They'll probably just fall over if I blew on them! He clenched his fist. Get a grip! You've come this far, why the hell are you wavering? All you have to do is beat these guys and you would've done everything M'lady told you. You'll get to see Lector again! Sweat dripped down his face. Yes. Do it for him! Get moving. His feet were shaking. I've grown so much! My feelings for Lector have made me stronger than ever! He looked at the five before him, confusion wavering inside him. They're weak! They've got nothing! I can win!


"I promise. I'll bring that precious red kitty exceed of yours back, trust me," she said, her tone serious and firm. She meant those words.


He stepped forward shakily, slowly moving towards them before falling to his knees. He muttered "I can't do it. I can't... Beat you...... I surrender."

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