~ Chapter 20: Let's Go Dragon Hunting ~

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The bell began to toll. Akiko lifted up, her eyes darting around the area. Sting noticed. "Is something wrong, Akiko?"

She didn't answer, but she shook her head. "No... The moon's just bothering me is all," she answered.

Shiro hissed "It should. It's red, just like those--"

He was cut off as Akiko had grabbed onto the snout and began squeezing it. She muttered "Don't. Remind me."

"Right, sorry."

Akiko sighs, before letting the snake go. Sting raised an eyebrow, but decided not to question it. Not now anyway.

Everyone split up to an area of the city with their guild. Akiko being the only one being left with the Sabertooth guild instead of her own guild.


A blast of wind came past the Sabertooth guild, destroying a few buildings. Sting asks "Does that mean they're here?"

"I think they are," Rogue replied.

"You don't say?" Akiko said, quite sarcastically. She sighs, before moving her hands towards her swords.

Her eyes narrowed as she sees dragons come through the eclipse gate, one by one. She muttered "They're huge."

"State the obvious, why don't 'cha?" Shiro hissed, enlarging himself.

He wrapped himself loosely around her body. The dragons roared loudly, the sound was just enough to destroy a couple of buildings while a few flew up into the sky.

It wasn't long before a dragon appeared in front of the Sabertooth guild. "Now it's time for an all out Sabertooth assault!" Sting said. "Oh, and Akiko!" He added, remembering his mate was with him.

"Idiot," she muttered, readying herself for battle. "You guys ready?" He asks.

Rogue said "We're ready! Go for the inside of its mouth or its stomach or any parts of its soft parts!"

The guild attacks. Akiko was the first to attack, drawing both katanas and attacking the dragon with all she got. Her one attack managed to destroy all of the surrounding buildings, but didn't even make a dent on the dragon.

"What the hell?" Orga said.

Rogue said, shocked "An attack like that and it didn't do a thing?"

Akiko muttered "Don't let your guard down for a second. Attack with all you've got," she looked at her blades, tilting them slightly. It's scales are harder than anything I've sliced through. This is going to be tough.

"Be careful how you use your blades, Akiko," Shiro warned. "One wrong move and they'll shatter."

"I know."

The team charged at the dragons again, all of them attacking together. There attacks were particularly useless on the dragon, not even making a dent. Rufus and Orga had just attacked the dragon as a team, not pulling any punches.

"I never thought I would see those two work together," Sting commented. "I mean we were in the same guild but things weren't definitely like this."

Rogue suggested "Perhaps their experiences at the games taught them something."

"Sabertooth is finally fighting something like a real team!" Lector stated happily. "Everybody was just going out for themselves before, this is awesome!"

Frosch agreed "Yeah, it's totally awesome!"

Just as it looked like they were winning, their attacks were deflected off of the dragon, just by a flap of its wings.

Sting said "That's impossible! How is that thing still standing?"

"Get back Frosch and Lector," Rogue demanded. "Do it now," the two exceeds ran off.

Akiko murmured "It's a dragon. You can't expect it to be easy."


"Just where the heck did M'Lady go? We could really use her help right now," Sting pointed out.

Rogue replied "I don't know. I haven't seen her in awhile. But I assume she's fighting somewhere else."

The dragon roared, Akiko decided to freeze the dragon to the ground, effectively keeping it firmly planted to it.

"Can we even beat this thing?" Orga asks.

Rufus replied "I think it should be possible. If memory serves me, Sting and Rogue both killed dragons when they were young."

They were silent for a few seconds. Akiko and Shiro glanced over to them slightly. "Well, you're half right," Sting muttered, looking at the ground.


Deep within a forest laid a beautiful, white dragon with a blonde-haired boy standing in front of it. The dragon known as Weisslogia, said "Sting, please, end my life."

"I can't do that!" Younger Sting said. "Please don't make me!"

"Those who wield dragon slaying magic grow stronger once they've bathed in their blood," the dragon stated.

Younger Sting denied "No! I'm not going to do it!"

"You must!" Weisslogia pressed on. "Prove to me that you have mastered the skills I've taught you," the younger Sting trembling, tears in his eyes.



Rogue added "Skiadrum had been suffering from a serious illness. So all I did... Was just.. Put him out of his misery," Akiko's eyes darken slightly. Shiro notices.

Rufus commented "I didn't realise that's what happened. It must be a memory filled with great sorrow for you."

"But if you can kill dragons, now is definitely the time to do it!" Orga pointed out.

Akiko murmured "I have got to seriously speak to those dragons of yours, if I ever get the chance to that is."

She flinched as the dragon destroyed the black ice that was planting it down to the ground. "Agreed," Shiro said.

"These guys are way more powerful!" Sting stated. "I don't even know if we can kill 'em!"

Rogue said "But we still have to try! We have to protect our friends!"

Akiko smiled, "Now that's the spirit. Let's give 'em our best shot!"

"Yes ma'am!"

Just as she said that, a loud voice boomed across the city.

"Can you hear me! Quit messing around and use your dragon slaying magic!" Natsu yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Does he ever learn to shut up?" Akiko mutters, feeling like she had burst an eardrum.


Sting laughs, saying "I hear ya."

"There are seven dragons! And we've got seven dragon slayers! We can do this! It's what we were born for! Our whole lives have led to this day! Let's use our powers....! And slay some freaking dragons! Who's with me? 'Cause I'm going dragon hunting!"

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