~ Chapter 36: A Date - Day 2 ~

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Akiko's brow twitched. Today was the second day of her promise to Sting and she wasn't particularly happy about the dress she was wearing. She swears that her boyfriend was using the promise as an excuse to buy more clothes for her, since she didn't have anything else to wear apart from her regular battle gear and a few variated forms of it.

She was at the guildhall, wearing dark blue denim shorts with a white, frilly T-shirt that had the picture of a black and white tower on it. On her head laid a fashionable, black military style hat that complimented her hair quite well. Her swords were attached to her left waist, like usual.

Rogue asks "What's with the new clothes?"

"Sting," was all she replied with.

Shiro hissed "She made a promise to do whatever he wanted for a week after putting him through hell last week."

"Oh," Rogue said. "Not very smart."

She muttered "It's not really bad to do whatever he wants, but...," she looked at her clothes. "I want to know why he's buying me clothes to wear. I don't see the problem with me wearing my usual clothes."

Frosch commented "I think you look cute though!"

"Thanks, Frosch."

Rogue said "He probably just wanted to give you a wide variety of clothes to wear, everyone knows that you don't wear anything else but those kimonos - even to bed. He probably thinks you look cute in anything."

"Yep!" A voice said, it belonged to none other than Sting.

He had a large grin on his face. Her brow twitched as she noticed his clothes. "How come you get to wear your regular clothes, huh?" She asks, slightly annoyed.

Sting just kept his grinning face on and hugged her from behind. "Just because. You can't complain, besides, you look cute wearing that."

"So, you're saying that I don't look cute wearing my usual clothes? That's nice to know," she muttered.

He said, beginning to panic "That's not what I meant!"

"Oh? Then what do you mean?" She asks, she was intentionally mocking him. Although, Sting wasn't aware, everyone else was and were watching in amusement.

After watching him panic about what to say, she chuckled and hugged him. "I was just joking idiot. I know you meant well," she said.

He pouted and hugged her back, saying "Meanie. Don't do that to me, you scared the wits out of me. I really thought you were going to break up with me because of those words."

"Aw~" Everyone responded, laughing slightly at the couple.

"Still, why do I have to wear this?"

Sting replied with a smirk "Just because I said so, now come on. We're going on a date," before she even had time to say anything, he had already dragged her out.

Shiro slithered off to the Sabertooth members to let the couple's have their 'fun,' as he would put it.


They walked around town, hand in hand. Akiko asks "So, where are we going?"

"That's a surprise," Sting said, winking at her.

She pouted, only to realise that she was being glared at. She scanned the area, only to chuckle as she saw many jealous female mages death glaring at her. She didn't even realise how many liked Sting. She knew he was famous, but not that famous to have a personal fanclub. Their glares were practically saying 'Let him the hell go or die.' She stuck out her tongue childishly before hugging onto his arm, still keeping their fingers interlaced.

It Doesn't Matter || Sting Eucliffe Love Story (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang