~ Chapter 16: I'm Your Mate? Battle Time ~

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Sting pulled away from her, her face gradually growing red. He moved down to her neck, and she gasp as she felt him bite her.

Did he just bite me?

Oddly enough, it didn't hurt like she thought it would. It was a pleasurable, static feeling that traveled throughout her body. However, that moment was quickly over as she felt Sting's hand gently touch her back. Her first reaction? Headbutting him. "Ow...," he groaned.

It took her a few seconds to realise, and she said with a sad, disappointed look "Sorry about that. My back is just really sensitive."

"You really know how to ruin a moment, now don't you?" Sting joked.

"What moment?"

Sting chuckles before pulling her into a gentle hug, taking caution in not touching her back in fear of getting headbutted again. Akiko breaths in slightly, before asking quietly "What did you bite me anyway?" She unconsciously touched her neck, feeling two punctured holes but no blood.

He blushes slightly. He covers his mouth slightly, just realising what he had just done. Shoot... He looked at her, staring into her innocent red orbs. He muttered "I just made you my mate..."

It took her a few seconds to process the information. She blushes, her face as red as Erza's scarlet hair. He found it slightly amusing but it turned to fear, realising that he might just get rejected.

"M-Mate?" She stuttered.

Sure, she was dense, but not that dense to not realise what mate means. She shook her head, before looking at Sting with serious eyes. "Why... Why did you pick me?" she asks quietly.

He stiffens up slightly. Noticing that he wasn't going to answer, she sighs and mutters "I suppose... It doesn't matter... I don't really mind being your mate," his eyes light up. "But..."

"But?" He asks, fear settling in once more.

"You've got a lot of things to do before you can make me l-l-l-l-like you... Just know that I don't hate you," she mumbled.

Her heart skipped a beat as Sting hugged her once more, burying his face into the crook of her neck. "S-Sting..."

He murmured "I promise.. That I'll get you to like me. I think I'm already starting to win."

"Shut up," she said.

He chuckles. She smashed his face into the ground, saying "Worry about that after we get Lector back."

"Oww," he mumbled as he lifts his head up from the ground, his hand on his somewhat injured face.

The mention of Lector made his face fell with sadness. She hugs him once more, saying "I promise we'll get him back."

"I know..."

Shit, how am I supposed to tell the others about this mark?


Akiko sat in the stands, watching as the New Fairy Tail team enters the arena. However, instead of consisting of Natsu, Juvia had taken his place. Around her neck was Shiro, who effectively hid the white mark on her neck - created by none other than Sting Eucliffe.

The teams were transported into the city, Crocus was going to be the battlefield for the last game of the Grand Magic Games. The game consisted of a Full team survival game. Each team will have a leader and four 'underlings.' Defeat the leader and you earn 5 points, and defeating an underling earns you 1 point.

The games began. Fairy Tail didn't move from their spot at all while the other teams were receiving points for themselves. Sting came jumping in with a serious look, immediately knocking out Quatro Puppy's leader, Bacchus in one move. Sting ran off in a heartbeat when he saw the signs of Kagura appearing.

It wasn't long before Fairy Tail began to put their plan in action - Operation: Fairy Star. Led by Master Mavis herself. Gray and Rufus soon locked into battle, along with Chelia and Juvia, plus Minerva vs Kagura vs Erza.

As time went by, Akiko couldn't help but notice the lack of screentime for Sting. It wasn't long before she realised that the Lacrima Trons couldn't even locate him at all. Gray soon defeated Rufus and soon engaged in battle with Lyon.

Later on, it was revealed that Milliana had been taken hostage by Minerva, and forced Kagura and Erza to fight each other to determine who would fight against Minerva. After a few string pullings from Minerva, Erza managed to defeat Minerva, earning 5 points for the team and freeing Millianna from her.

Akiko raised an eyebrow as she noticed something moving under Milliana's cape. Could it be...? She snuck away from her friends and towards the exit of Domus Flau, Shiro lifted up his head. He asks "What are you doing, Akiko?"

"Fulfilling a promise."

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