~ Chapter 38: Work and play - Day 4, 5, 6 and 7 ~

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A chuckle escaped Akiko's lips as she watched her boyfriend work away on the paperwork in front of him.

"You need some help, Sting?" She taunted quietly.

He just grumbled under his breath, but didn't say anything.

Wonder how they got themselves into this situation? It's been two weeks, nearly two weeks since Sting had done paperwork. Since he was busy with children and going on dates with Akiko, his pile of paperwork went from small to large in a matter of days. He would've left it to do it later, if not for the fact that Rogue had locked the door and won't let him out until he's finished. So, now Akiko is left to taunt, mock and generally watch him suffer through this ideal.

Her eyes were glued to her boyfriend, just watching him work away like a dog wagging her tail. She would've gone off a long time ago to do some type of job, but she didn't want to leave him alone, plus Sting gave her an 'order' to stay, so she had to stay either way.

She didn't mind watching him, not at all. She found it quite interesting really, to see the different expressions he makes when he's frustrated, bored, whiny, etc. Lector and Shiro were nowhere to be seen in the room, leaving the two mates to 'bond' alone. Not a very safe ordeal, but Rogue trusts Akiko enough to watch him do his work and only do work, nothing else.

After watching him struggle through paperwork for 3 hours, she decided to do something useful and help him. She walked over to his desk and began sorting out the paperwork. A pile for the ones she could fill out, and a pile that Sting has to fill out.

Sting asks "What are you doing?"

"Helping you," she replied. "You want to get this done, right? So I'm going to help you. Besides, I'm bored doing nothing. So no complaints."

Sting sighs, a small smile coming to his lips but he didn't say anything. They worked in silence, just content to be in each other's company despite having to do stupid paperwork for a few days.

After three days straight of doing work and finally finishing it, both of them were exhausted to the brim - Sting looked like he just died and went to hell while Akiko looked perfectly fine, using her magic to keep herself looking at least, healthy. She chuckled as Sting had already fallen asleep on his desk. She walked over to him and chucked him over her shoulder, he stirred slightly but easily went back to sleep, too tired to even care.

She jumped across the buildings, taking only a few minutes for them to reach his home. She didn't waste a minute dumping him on the bed and laying right beside him. He immediately wrapped his arm around her while still in a deep slumber. She chuckled tiredly before snuggling into his warmth, consciousness slipping from her in an instant.


"Go away, Sting," Akiko grumbled, hugging a pillow as she tried getting to sleep. "I want to sleep."

A tired chuckle was heard behind her, indicating that the blonde was tired too. "Fine," a husky voice replied.

She felt herself being shifted ever so slightly, before she felt someone's head insert themselves in the crook of her neck. She didn't even bother to open her eyes, too tired to try and already had a faint idea who it was. She threw the pillow somewhere random and hugged onto Sting's head instead gently, urging the blonde to hug her waist and snuggle into her warmth.

The blonde lightly kissed her neck, before mumbling "Goodnight, Aki."

"It's morning, you idiot," she mumbled back. "But goodnight anyway."

A faint chuckle was heard, before the two fell into a deep slumber. Unaware of two little misfits that had entered the room.

"Shh, you don't want to wake them up," a white snake hissed to the red exceed.

Lector waved his paw at him, whispering "I know I know, no need to tell me twice."

Shiro gently wrapped himself around Akiko's arm, while Lector laid on top of Akiko's stomach. A feat to behold since she didn't wake up from the sudden weight on her stomach, rather, she ignored it and instead began hugging the red exceed with her free hand. Her other arm, plus shoulder, was occupied by Sting's head - so there was only so much she could do in her unconscious state.


The two misfits fell asleep, joining their partners field day of sleep.


Akiko opened her eyes lazily, her body feeling very warm. She looked around, a small smile coming to her lips at what she saw. Sting was hugging her with a peaceful smile on his face, Shiro's long body laid on top of the two's stomach and in her arms was a sleeping Lector, who cuddled up to her chest at random times.

My family. That's what they are.

She stroked Sting's hair gently, running her fingers through his hair every once and awhile.

A family I will always treasure.

Sting stirred slightly, his eyes opened, the first thing he sees was her neck. He lightly kissed her neck before making eye contact with her. "Morning."

"It's afternoon," she pointed out, chuckling.

"Whatever," he grumbled, spooning her and Lector. Completely ignoring the snake that laid on both of their stomach, who fell to the side of the bed.

Shiro hissed "Ow!"

"You didn't even hit the floor," Akiko commented.

"Don't care."

The white snake slithered around Akiko's neck, getting comfortable and ignoring the growling Sting. Akiko giggled quietly, before nuzzling her head into the crook of his neck. He grumbles "When did these two enter the bed?"

He had no quarrels with Lector being in the room, since it was Lector after all. However, Shiro was a different story - they didn't get along so well. Akiko laughed quietly, and pecked Sting's cheek. "It doesn't matter, now does it, Sting? It's just Shiro and Lector."

"It's the snake I don't like," he muttered, slightly joking.

Akiko laughed once more, before murmuring "Just go back to sleep. No harm done."

Instead of answering, he just snored 'ever so' quietly in a joking matter. He smiled, opening his eyes and saying "I slept, happy now?"

"Idiot," she joked. "Just sleep before Shiro decides to snap your head off."

"You're damn right I will if you two don't shut up."

The two humans laughed quietly, before deciding to sleep before the snake actually decides to go through with his threat.


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