~ Chapter 23: Grand Party ~

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"Why the hell am I wearing such a fancy dress?" Akiko mumbles to herself, twirling in her dress.

It was a crimson red dress that complimented her red eyes very well, it had lots of ruffles on it at the skirt part but it was plain near the top. The dress showed her back, revealing the white mark and guild mark on her back. She wore long gloves on her hands and her hair was tied into a high ponytail with a red ribbon, instead of the usual white one.

Lucy giggled and said "Of course! You've got to look your best for your boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend?" Akiko raised an eyebrow.

Mira said "Yeah! You know, Sting! He did mark you after all! You two are so cute together!"

"I agree," Wendy said. "I'm surprised he even had the guts to do that... You can be a bit scary when someone tries to approach from out of nowhere."

Yukino queried "Is that so?"

Lisanna replied "Yeah. She smashes anyone into the ground if anyone approaches her, or if anyone touches her sensitive back, she'll headbutt them."

"Her headbutts are the most painful thing you can ever feel in your life," Mira said. "It's not something you want to feel a second time."

Akiko muttered "You're making me sound like I enjoy headbutting people. Besides, I still don't see why he picked me as his mate."

Wendy asks "Do you not like being his mate?"

"Well, that ain't really the problem here," the black-haired female muttered. "It's more like I don't really mind being his mate. Although, if I was being truthful..."

"If you were being truthful what?" Lucy prompted.

"I may or may not have begun to like him," she murmured, looking away from them.

The girls squealed. "AkIng is sailing!"

"Shut up!"

That reminds me. I have to talk to Master Mavis later...


Akiko entered the ballroom, her eyes widening at the beautiful sight before her. Shiro hissed "Stop awing already. It's time to eat!"

The black-haired female rolled her eyes before moving towards the food. Shiro began eating and swallowing every food in sight. Akiko sighs, before murmuring "Keep eating like that and there won't be any food for the other guests."

"Like I care!" Shiro stated, hissing.

"Woah....," a voice said from behind her.

She glanced over her shoulder to see Sting. She said bluntly "Sting... Something wrong?"

"No... I just never thought I would see you in a fancy dress like that," he said, before smirking slightly and pulling her close to his body.

She shrugs slightly. "When you have 'friends' that strip you and force you into a dress, you don't have much choice but to comply," she said while he just chuckles.

"Whatever you say," he mocks. "I still think you're cute. No matter what your reason is."

She raised an eyebrow, before asking "What were you doing before?"

"Oh, I just had a drink with Gajeel since I couldn't find Natsu anywhere," he said, only to look at curiously at Akiko, who was frowning at something.

Next thing he knew, he got his face smashed into the ground by her. "I've got something to do, so I'll see you later," she said, walking off.

"Ow....," he murmured, getting up.

It Doesn't Matter || Sting Eucliffe Love Story (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang