Katniss and Peeta <3

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Chapter 46:

Even after I got home from the hospital Peeta was still very distant from me. I sat on a chair and watched him as he sat on the chair across. "Peeta?" I look at him but he stays back. "Peeta its ok." I say standing up. "I don't want to hurt you." He says. "I know but its over now it won't happen again. It was my fault for not listening to you sooner." I say. "Yeah but I could have killed you." I sit on his lap and he tenses up. I brush his hair "It's not your fault." I look in his eyes. Peeta puts his arms around me. I stop brushing his hair with my fingers and put my hand on his jaw. I softly kiss his forehead and then I hug him. "It's ok." I say and put my head on his shoulder. "But-" I stop his words with a kiss. His shoulders instantly relaxed and he held me tighter. Peeta's lips were soft and warm against my own. "I love you." he says against my mouth and then I parted my lips. His hands slid up and down my back as the kiss began to grow deeper, but then he pulled back. I stared at him in confusion. " What?" I ask. "I'm serious..." he warned. "It's not you're fault," I remind him. He paused for a moment and sighed. "Peeta?" he smiled at the sound of his name. "Ok." he agrees and then pulls me in for another kiss.

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