Battle 4

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Chapter 34:

The blade almost went through my chest, but Savera fell down on the floor beside me. The knife falls in my shoulder. I cry out and look up to see Peeta holding a shovel. He hit her with a shovel. Peeta kneels down next to me. "Just hang in there." he says. He slowly takes the knife out. Peeta helps me up and I hug him. "What happened to you! Where's Gale?" I asked. Peeta looks at me "She almost drowned us and then we were in chains. Gale is still downstairs." He said. I look at Savera and pick her up and push her down the stairs. Gale comes up the stairs. "Time to finish her off?" Gale asks. I nod. Prim comes behind me and gives me my bow and arrows. "I found them over there." She says. I walk down the stairs and put an arrow in place. Savera looked already dead to me. "Let's just get out of here." I said. We walk back up the stairs but Peeta stays back. "Katniss!" He yells as he falls down the stairs and the door shuts close. "Peeta!" I put my bow down and pound at the door. "Move!" Prim pushed me aside and with a crowbar she opened the door. I ran down the stairs but I felt a horrible prick on my left arm. I backed up and saw all the lights turn on. The prick that I felt was actually a metal blade that almost sliced my arm off. The cut was pretty deep. This was another room, filled with booby traps. Peeta was in the room across from me, but it was sealed with glass. I stepped in the other direction to avoid the metal blade again. I dropped to the floor as a huge axe swooped down at my head. I finally get to the glass. Small needles emerge from the ground, going through me. I yell as I stand up. The needles fall off me. I pound at the glass and it finally breaks. Savera was about to shove a sword in Peeta when I come. "You." She says in anger.

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