Hospital again

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Chapter 36:

Gale only had minor injuries so he and my mom (who was in shock) were taken to the waiting room. Prim broke two ribs and I have severe wounds. I had a concussion for about an hour and I also had internal bleeding in my arm. My wrists were all cut up and I had a huge deep cut on my right arm. Peeta was in another emergencies room. All I knew that happened to him is having two knives in him. But I don't know anything else about it. I kept freaking out, searching for Peeta's comfort but I would never find it. I asked the doctors constantly about Peeta and they would just tell me to rest. I mean we just got married two weeks ago and all this happened so sudden. I hope Snow doesn't have any other relatives I don't know of. A doctor I don't recognize came in my room. "Katniss Mellark?" He says. "Actually its Everdeen. I decided to leave my maiden name." I correct him. "It's about your husband Peeta." I sit up. "What about him is he ok?!" I ask. The doctor sighs. "Yes he's fine. But he needs to stay in the hospital for a few days." "What? Why?" I panic. "He has some severe damage in his stomach, plus the knife wounds, and to add to all that he keeps vomiting and has a broken hand." I gasp. "Will he be alright." "We're not sure. But we promise you it will turn out fine." I nod. If Peeta dies I won't live without him.

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