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Chapter 20:

Once me and Peeta step inside the hotel I became like a child. I ran around asking for samples of food and I would freak out. Peeta thought I had enough of it so he carried me up the stairs to our room. What a gentleman. The rest of the night was a blurry image.
I open my eyes and blink really fast looking around me. Peeta was all messed up. His hair was messed up and he had lip stick marks all over him! What happened last night? My hair was in a really messed up braid and I looked terrible, with bags under my eyes. I got up with out Peeta looking and got dressed in my pajama. I then went to wake him up. "Peeta wake up." I urged. He opened his eyes and looked at me "Ah my head hurts." He groans. "What happened last night?" He said slurring. I shrug. "No idea. But whatever it was, it must have been really fun." I say. Peeta nods. "So how does it feel to be Mrs. Mellark now?" He asks hugging me. "Nerve racking, but at the same time, really good." I say. Peeta smiles. "Oh I forgot to tell you we have an interview with Caesar tomorrow." I groan. "Why?" I whine. Peeta laughs. "Because the star crossed lovers of district twelve got married!" He says. I put out my hand to him and he high fives it "Mellark team." We both say at the same time. "Get dressed Peeta. I heard they have a water park!" I say smiling.?

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