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Chapter 24:

I sat on the sofa for so long calling people and telling them about Prim. When I finally got to my mom she broke into tears and we had to hang up because if not we would be just crying not talking. As soon as Peeta walked inside I stood up. I wiped my tears and put the phone down. "You wanted to talk?" Peeta asked shaking flour out of his hair. I nod. "Peeta I just want to say sorry. For over reacting about the kid thing." I say looking down. Peeta tilts my chin up so I could stare in his beautiful blue eyes. "Don't worry about it. I will just wait until you're ready." He smiles. "Thanks." I say. "Want to help me bake a cake for Prim when we visit her tomorrow?" He asks. I gasp and smile "Yes!" Peeta laughs and takes my hand. I sit by the kitchen table as I watch Peeta take out the ingredients. It took a about half an hour for the cake to be done. Now all we have to do is frost it. "What is Prim's favorite flovor?" Peeta asks. I smile looking at the cake. "Chocolate." Peeta takes out the chocolate frosting and hands me it. He gets another one and starts frosting the cake. When he wasn't looking I squirted the chocolate in his face. He gasps and I giggle. He wipes it off but leaves the frosting on his lips. "Who wants a kiss?!" He he says. "No!" I laugh and start running away from him. I squeal as he grabs the tip of my night gown and pulls me to him. He starts getting closer teasing me by puckering his lips. "No stop!" I say push him away. I dart up the stairs and close the door of my room. "Ok baby you win, just please open the door." I heard Peeta by the door. I open the door and he picks me up. "You liar!" I yell and he chuckles carrying me downstairs. I try struggling but he has a good hold of me. He lays me on the couch and then I just let him kiss me. I could taste the frosting already and I pull away. "Point Peeta." He says. I laugh and pull him in for another kiss.

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