Their future

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Chapter 10:

I wake up on Peeta. No literally I'm on him. I don't know how he could sleep this way. I lift my head off his chest and roll off him but I then get close to him. Peeta's eyes flutter open and he looks around my room. Then he turns to me and gives me a quick kiss. "No nightmares?" He asks. "No nightmares." I say and put my head on his chest. "We should probably get up now." Peeta says. I nod slowly. "Ok." He sits up and yawns. I smile. "You're so cute." I say holding his cheeks. He smiles and gets out of bed. "Come on Katniss lets get breakfast. I'm starving."
After breakfast I brush my teeth and make my braid again, but I was too lazy to take a shower so Peeta said why not have a pajama day. "Yeah why not? Just the two of us alone for one day." I say. Peeta smiles. "Yup, just us." He says walking towards me. He layed me on the bed and started kissing me. Neither of us pulled back, not even to breathe. Peeta starts to kiss me rougher and I smile a bit. He kisses my neck and I giggle. He raises his head to look at me. "God you are beautiful." He says. I smile. "You're not too bad yourself either." I laugh. "What's that supposed to mean huh?" We start kissing again until I hear a knock on the door. Peeta pulls back and looks at the stairs. "Aw don't go." I say. He smiles and makes me stand up. I laugh and straighten down his hair. "Wow we really messed each other up." Peeta says walking towards the door as I remake my braid and put my clothes the way they're supposed to be. Peeta opens the door. "Hi is um, Katniss here?" I here a familiar voice speak. Peeta nods. "Katniss?" He calls to me. I walk towards the door and gasp. "Hey Catnip." Gale says

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