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I woke up to the feeling of someone caressing my cheek ever so slightly, the person's fingers more like a breeze of wind on my skin. I opened my eyes slowly to see Chris smiling down at me. I groaned and turned around, attempting to continue sleeping.

"Baby," Chris whispered, "breakfast's ready."

I lazily turned around and blinked my eyes at Chris a couple times, taking in what he had just told me before sitting up and stretching out. "How did I end up in my bed last night?"

"I carried you," Chris spoke softly, knowing I couldn't stand loud noises right after I had woken up. I took his words in for a couple seconds again and then nodded. I stood up and slowly walked down the stairs. Hopefully breakfast would wake me up.

Today, dad had managed to make some sort of healthy breakfast cake, and it was delicious. We all ate in silence, figuring none of us were morning people and we didn't feel the need for conversations just yet.

After breakfast I went to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water, the freezing substance waking me up immediately. We only had four more days left here, and weirdly enough it kind of made me sad. I had grown to love America again. Today was spent with Chris and I laying on the couch cuddled up while movies played in the background and we were scrolling through social medias. Dad had to work today and Nadine went to the mall with Camille, so we had the place to ourselves. I decided I'd post a picture on instagram.

ellejensenamerica's actually been amazing this far

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america's actually been amazing this far. don't wanna leave, like, ever.
993 likes | 203 comments

camillemccarthy you're welcome to stay babe

loglady99 no she isn't @camillemccarthy i need her here

lilaisaksen wanna bet that i need her more than both of you combined? noora's right, this bitch is flying back to norway on saturday @loglady99 @camillemccarthy

chrisschistad luckily i'm already here, so whatever she does i'm with her 😏

lilaisaksen oh my god i will cut you @chrisschistad

chrisschistad woah, making threats on instagram? tough girl @lilaisaksen

lilaisaksen yeaah, i'm aware 😏 @chrisschistad

I laughed at my friends and cuddled up further to Chris, looking at the movie again. This movie was pretty good, but I just couldn't bring myself to concentrate on it.

Unknown: please elle, i just
want to talk.

I scoffed at the text I had just gotten from none other than Jenna and decided to ignore her, putting my phone down. After a while, the same number called me and I groaned, not bothering to pick it up. Chris, however, slid the green phone over the screen and put it on speaker.

"Oh my god Elle you finally picke—"

"Listen, Roxelle is not interested in whatever you have to say to her and therefore will not respond to any of your calls or texts. If you bother her one more time, I will personally block your number," Chris spoke lowly and kept his mouth close to the microphone, making sure she'd understand him.

"Sorry, who's this?" Jenna's confused voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

"Oh, you can call me None Of Your Business, have a good day." Before Jenna could respond, Chris hung up the phone and I looked over at him with a huge smile.

"Another reason to like you," I giggled, pressing my lips to his. He kissed me back and soon we were making out on the couch again. Chris's fingers traced over my entire body, down the outer side of my thigh and back up to grab my waist. The kisses were long and lustful, but they never led to anything else.

After another while of kissing, I broke apart from Chris, "are you hungry?" Chris nodded and I hurried into the kitchen, searching for a good snack. I settled on a bag of M&M's, taking it back to the living room.

"Oh my god, the love of my life," Chris exclaimed, grasping onto the brown bag of M&M's. "You're a queen, Roxelle." I smiled at his goofiness and plopped down beside him, I had a feeling I wasn't going to get much of these M&M's.

When the movie was over, dad came home from his job and he started cooking immediately. A great scent filled the first floor of the house and I loved the smell. Chris and I only whispered sweet nothings into each other's ears for at least half an hour without pause, causing me to smile widely. Nadine came home and let herself fall onto one of the chairs in the living room, showing me everything she'd bought at my command.

"Dinner's ready!" dad yelled. We all walked into the kitchen hurriedly and ate.

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