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I grinned as I pulled back from Chris's kiss, "jealous much?" He just groaned and pushed his lips on mine again. I dragged him over to William's couch and sat him down.

"What are your intentions, woman?" he asked, smirking at me.

"Just talking," I plopped down next to him and grabbed a bottle of liquor that was standing on the salon table, pouring it into my cup before taking a sip. We started up a casual conversation about spring break, which was very close by.

"So, what are you doing in spring break?" he asked, laying his arm on the couch behind me.

"I'm going to visit my dad with my sister," I sighed, "he lives in America."

Chris nodded with a questioning look, I had never talked about my father.

"Maybe you could come with," I proposed, "you could be a distraction."

"Is it that bad?" Chris chuckled, pulling me closer to him.

I shook my head, "you don't even want to know. He left my mom without a good reason to either her or me and my sister and he still expects us to act like nothing even happened."

"I'll be glad to come with you," he whispered in my ear, kissing my cheek. I smiled at him before taking another sip of my drink and placing it down on the table.

"Let's go upstairs," I said, standing up. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up, too. He eagerly followed me to the same bedroom we were in just a couple days before.

"What was your plan for tonight?" He asked me, smirking.

"I'm pretty tired," I shrugged, "I thought of cuddling for a while and then going to sleep."

Chris nodded and I searched for a look of disappointment on his face, but there wasn't any. This boy kept surprising me. We were practically dating now, and he still didn't want anything from me. I went into the bathroom and took off my make-up. I realized I hadn't even brushed my teeth last time I was here, and cringed at the thought.

"Chris?" I opened the door that led from the bathroom to his room, "do you have an extra toothbrush?" A shirtless Chris came walking out of his closet, searching for a clean toothbrush in the cabinets and handing me it when he found it. I pulled the packaging open and squirted some toothpaste onto the blue brush. Chris stood beside me and brushed his own teeth. My eyes fixated on his abs through the mirror. He had some good ones. I spit the toothpaste out in the sink and let it wash away with water. I walked into the bedroom to see one of Chris's plain white shirts laying on a pillow on the side of the bed I slept last time. I smiled and picked up the neatly folded shirt, smelling it before laying it down again. I stripped to my underwear and clicked my bra open, letting it fall to the ground. I pulled the shirt over my head and got into the soft bed.

"You look amazing," Chris mused, checking me out. I smiled up at him and grabbed my phone, remembering I had to text my mom I was sleeping over here. Chris got into bed with me and cuddled up to my side.

Elle: I'm staying over at William's
place with Chris again.

Mom: don't you have school

Elle: no, the whole school is
free cause of staff meetings.

Mom: well okay then. have
fun, but not too much fun ;)

I choked at that last text.

Elle: that's the grossest thing
you've ever texted me.

"Who are you texting?" Chris mumbled into my side boob. I giggled at the way he was laying down as I turned off my alarm for tomorrow and put down my phone.

"My mom," I replied, "last time I slept over I didn't tell her and she almost called the cops on me."

Chris chuckled, "that's cute." I rolled to my side and wrapped my arms around him, pushing his head even further into my boobs. "Hmm," he whispered, "two soft pillows." I laughed as he nuzzled his head further into my décolleté. He then looked up at me, "hey, that about me coming to America with you.. were you serious about that?"

I nodded, "yeah. It'd be nice to have you there. My dad is always asking when either of us brings a boyfriend, so he'll be quite pleased with your visit, too."

"Oh, so I'm a boyfriend now," Chris chuckled. I flushed at his comment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to—"

Chris cut me off as he planted his lips onto mine. "It's fine, baby. It has a nice ring to it." I sighed in relief as he turned around, his back now towards me. "Spoon me?"

Now it was my turn to laugh, "secretly, Christoffer Schistad, under all that fuckboy, you're a huge baby." I said, wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm your baby," he mumbled. My heart fluttered and I smiled before drifting off to sleep.

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