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"So then we came back from the pizza place, right? We all got out of the car and I was going to walk home, but when I turned around to wave goodbye they were making out against the front door. Like, they're honestly that gross couple in school that everyone hates because they make out everywhere," Lila laughed before taking a sip of her coffee.

"We're not a couple, though," I stated, tracing the top of my mug with my fingers. The girls scoffed and I raised my eyebrows, looking up at each one of them. "I'm serious. We're not officially dating."

"Well, I'd love to see you two as a couple, then," Noora said in a sarcastic manner.

Lila laughed, "you can always switch schools and come hang with us." Michelle nodded, smiling. It was fun catching up with these girls, just like old times.

"Are you looking forward to Sunday?" Michelle wiggled her eyebrows. I laughed through my nose and nodded slightly. "Awe," she exclaimed, "you're adorable." I smiled at my friend, realizing how much I loved these girls.

"It's so weird to think that he's going to meet my father, while Lila hasn't even met him yet," I smiled, imagining how Chris and my dad would get along.

"That's because you're in love with him and not with me," Lila smiled and then fake pouted. I laughed softly and thought for a while, smiling to myself.

"I guess I am a little in love with him," I admitted for the first time, mostly to myself. The girls all smiled at me and Noora grabbed my hand, smiling.

"That's the first time you've said that," she whispered, using her free hand to pick up her coffee and take a sip of it.

I nodded, "it's the first time I've been willing to admit it, even to myself." I swallowed once before continuing, "I've been so scared to fall in love with him, that I wouldn't let myself admit that I already was. I just realized that I am. Wow, this shit is scary."

Michelle grabbed my other hand, squeezing it, "falling in love is always scary. You just have to let it overcome you. There's no fighting it, no controlling it. It just happens. I guess that's what makes it scary, because that's what makes it powerful. But it's really beautiful, too. And if he loves you too, then you're the luckiest person in this world."

"You're going to be alright, Elle," Lila added, "even if you guys don't end up together in the long run, you're going to be alright. Because in this moment, you love him. And that's way more important than what the future will bring or who you'll end up marrying. Right now, he's what you want, so right now, he's who you need to be with. And that's beautiful."

"I know what you're going through right now. The first time I realized I loved William, I thought I was going to suffocate. It was so scary to me, because I was almost convinced he'd fuck me over. But now I know that he loves me, too. So everything will fall into place," Noora finished my friends' tiny piece of life-advice, and I smiled.

"Thank you guys," I sighed happily, "I wouldn't know what I'd do without you." Michelle side-hugged me and Lila and Noora smiled at me.

"I'll pay," Noora offered, standing up.

"No, we'll all pay for ourselves, you don't have to do that," I stopped her. Lila and Michelle nodded, ready to grab their purses.

"Honestly, it's fine. Because I love you guys so much," Noora insisted, running of to the counter before any of us could push money into her hands. I sighed, sitting back in my chair. I played with Michelle's brown hair, admiring how soft it was.

"Let's go," Lila stood up as Noora walked back over to our table. We all stood up and put on our coats before walking out of the little cafe towards the bus station.

"That's our bus," Noora nudged Michelle, pointing at the bus that came towards our stop. We all hugged each other and Noora and Michelle got on the bus. Lila and I waited for out bus to come.

"You'll be back in a week, right?" Lila asked, looking up at me. I nodded and smiled. "We've got to hang out after that, like, a lot."

"Totally agreed," I nodded, getting onto the bus that just arrived. She followed me and sat down in a seat next to me. The bus ride to our houses was short and we talked about the past couple of weeks before the bus stopped at the station closest to our houses.

"I'm going to miss you," Lila hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and nodded into her neck, I was going to miss her too. "Bye, Elle. Have fun in America," Lila pulled back and kissed my cheek.

"Thanks, have fun at the cabin with Michelle," I smiled, "see you in a week or so." With that we both walked separate ways to our own house.

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