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I laughed and hit play on Spotify, the Penetrators song quickly blasting through Mary's big, white house. Chris groaned in defeat. I sang along laughing and my American friends just stood there, stunned by my Norwegian.

Mary laughed, "even if you don't speak this language, this song is so damn funny." We all started dancing along crazily and Chris just stood there with a painful look on his face.

We had finished the movie about half an hour ago, and we started talking about school and life back in Norway. One thing led to another, and he we were, dancing along to the Penetrators 2016 song. I pulled Chris in by his hand and started dancing with him, and he eventually started dancing along. Since Chris was an insanely good dancer and he actually practiced a choreography with the rest of his bus, everyone went silent and watched him as he danced.

"He's good," Madilyn exclaimed, "what a score, Elle." I grinned at her and oohed at a move Chris made, cheering him on. Nathan stood beside me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Do you want something to drink?" he asked in my ear. I turned around to him and smiled, nodding. I had missed my friends.

"Something non-alcoholic, though. I have to drive back home tonight," I told him.

"Sure," he walked off into the kitchen and came back with a glass of coke. "What time does your dad want you home?"

I took a sip of my coke, "one," I responded simply. Nathan nodded and chugged at the can of beer he was holding in his hands. The Penetrators song had ended and the next song in my shuffle came up. Chris walked up to Nathan and me smiling, but I could tell it was forced. Nathan probably couldn't, though, and that was a good thing.

"What are you so grumpy about?" I whispered quickly when Nathan walked away to get a new beer. Chris just rolled his eyes and I nudged his shoulder, letting him know that I was serious.

"It's just that he's flirting with you the entire time. Wrapping his arms around you and whispering in your ear, getting you drinks," Chris trailed off. He looked at me with an ashamed look on his face, "I'm sorry."

"No, that's okay," I smirked, "nice to know you get so jealous over me."

"I'm not jealous," Chris protested, "what's mine is mine, simple as that." Before I could respond to the fact that he called me his, Nathan came back with two beers and he tossed Chris one.

"Here, bro," he smiled at the boy standing beside me. Chris's face lit up at the small comforting gesture Nathan just gave him and he popped the beer can open.

"Awe man, didn't you get one for me?" Jonathan whined. Nathan grinned and made a joking comment about how he liked Chris more than Jonathan. In the meantime, Chris continued talking to me.

"Are you sure this is okay? Because I haven't had alcohol yet, so I can still drive home if you wan—"

"Chris, it's okay," I cut him off, reassuring him that my decision was still valid. Chris gave me one more look and when I nodded, he placed the can at his lips, chugging down a couple of sips.

I pulled out my phone to check the time and saw that it was 00:06. I also couldn't help but notice a rather strange notification.

Unknown: heard you were back in America.

I frowned and unlocked my phone. When I read back earlier conversations, I realized it was my old best friend, Jenna. I rolled my eyes and responded.

Elle: i still want nothing to do with you.

"Guys?" I asked, making everyone look at me, "who told Jenna that I'm here?" The room went silent, except for the music playing in the back and I saw my friends hold their breath.

"I may have posted that you were here on snapchat. She still has mine, so maybe she saw it on there," Madilyn explained. I nodded understandingly and ignored the rest of Jenna's incoming texts.

"Who is Jenna and why did everyone freak out when they heard her name?" Chris asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"At my old school, I was dating someone. Jenna was my absolute best friend here, so I decided to invite her over to Norway in fall break. She came and everything was good, until I heard rumors going around that my boyfriend had hooked up with someone at one of the parties. Later I found out that someone was Jenna, and with that, it was end of relationship and end of friendship," I explained.

"Ouch, he cheated on you with your own best friend?" Chris asked, "that's cruel." I nodded shortly and laughed.

"My mom set her on the first plane back to Los Angeles," I let out a chuckle, "I hadn't talked to her ever since, but nowshe apparently found out I'm here and texted me."

"Are you planning to get in touch with her?" Chris asked. I shook my head.

"No. I'm not about to let her steal another man from me. I'm done with her." Chris chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder, kissing my temple.

"Well, I'm not about to let her steal me from you either," he smirked.

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