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A last single moan escaped my lips and I let myself fall on the bed beside him. Both our bodies were covered in sweat and the sheets definitely needed cleaning. Chris took a few deep breaths, attempting to get his breathing pattern back to normal, and looked at me.

"That was amazing," he whispered, grabbing my hand that was laying on the bed and intertwining my fingers with his. I rolled on my left side and kissed his cheek before letting my head rest on his bare shoulder. Chris let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his sides. The feeling of our bare skin touching was overwhelming to me, absolutely overwhelming.

I kissed his shoulder repeatedly before laying my head down again, closing my eyes. "Hey," Chris whispered, nudging me slightly, "don't fall asleep now." I groaned softly and Chris laughed through his nose.

"Why not?" I whined, "I'm so tired."

"Yeah," I couldn't see Chris but I could tell he was grinning, "we went pretty hard at it, didn't we?" I slapped his chest and opened my eyes.

"C'mon, you take a shower while I throw these sheets in the washing machine," he pulled me up, shoving me into the direction of the bathroom softly. I smiled at him gratefully and quickly got under the shower. After about five minutes of just standing there, I felt somebody joining me. I looked up to look at Chris's smiling face. I kissed him softly before turning to wash my body. Chris watched me soap myself in lazily before giving him my shower gel and turning around to wash it off. While Chris washed off the shower gel, I shampooed my hair just as lazily. I suddenly felt two big hands on my head, massaging the shampoo in.

"Hmm, that's nice," I closed my eyes and enjoyed the scalp massage Chris was giving me. He then washed it out for me, continuing to massage my head as he did so.

After the shower Chris and I both got dressed slowly, me only putting on a plain shirt of his and a pair of his boxers. He tugged on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. We went downstairs together after putting the washed sheets in the dryer, so that they would be dry by the time dad and Nadine would come back.

We put on a sappy romantic movie, but we barely watched it as we spent the entire time stealing kisses from each other. When Chris went into the kitchen to get us some drinks, I decided to text Noora with an update.

Elle: hey babe, how's chilling with Will?
America's great.. got some news for you.

Noora: Elle! It's so great, we've got
Will's house to ourselves so lot's of
fun activities ;). What's the news?!

Elle: well.. let's just say dad and Nadine
went out for the night and Chris and I did some fun activities for ourselves..

Noora: oh my god really? that was
your first time with him, right? how
was it ?

Elle: literally amazing. He's so good I swear

Noora: that's good ! but uh, i don't
need details, if you were wondering.

Elle: oh.. was just about to describe
everything by the second :-(

Noora: hahaha

I locked my phone and at that moment Chris walked back in. He put our drinks on the coffee table and snuggled back beside me. I let my nose touch his and pushed softly, making both our noses wrinkle. He smiled and pushed his lips onto mine softly, kissing the lightest kiss he ever had before. I deepened the kiss quickly after getting tired of our lips barely touching and pushed my tongue inside his mouth slowly.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the living room window, and I jumped back a few feet, releasing myself from Chris's grip around my waist. I looked at the window in shock to see my dad standing there with a sly grin, and my sister laughing her ass off right behind him. I groaned and rolled my eyes at my dad playfully. Chris just laughed and buried his head in my neck, embarrassed that my dad just caught him making out with his daughter.

"Hello, lovebirds," my dad yelled as he walked in the front door. I rolled my eyes and for the first time since the movie had started, I fixated my gaze on it. Dad and Nadine soon joined in on the movie and we all watched it together. I felt myself drift off, and soon enough I was asleep on Chris's chest.

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