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I plopped down on William's couch, and for the first time this morning, I checked my phone. I had a couple of messages and missed calls from my mother, sister and from the girls. I gasped as I ignored the girls's messages and hurried to read those my mom and sister had sent me.

Mom: where are you, Elle?

Mom: I know parties can
last until late but not until
8 in the morning.

Mom: I'm worried about you,
please answer.

Mom: I swear I'm about to
call the cops.

Elle: don't call the cops.

Elle: I'm fine, I slept over at
William's house. I'm sorry for
worrying you and Nadine.

Mom: thank god. please
never scare me like that again.

Elle: I won't. I'm sorry.

I closed the messages with my mom and opened the ones my sister sent me.

Nadine: Elle for fuck's sake,
where is your ugly ass?

I laughed at the difference between my mom and sister. There's two types of people.

Nadine: we are seriously
worried about you.

Nadine: please just tell me
you had some fun and frick fracks
with some cute guy and fell
asleep at his place

Elle: I'm okay.

Elle: I did sleep over at some guy's
place, actually. But there were no
'frick fracks' hahaha.

Nadine: that's what they all say.

I laughed and locked my phone, not interested in dealing with my friends right now. Noora, William and Chris walked into the living room. Since I cooked, they had to do dishes. Chris picked up my legs, since I was stretched out over the entire couch, and sat down, placing my legs in his lap. William and Noora sat down on the other couch.

"Do you guys want to hang out or should Noora and I just go home?" I spoke up. I checked out Noora, and just like me, she was wearing one of William's shirts. Only she was wearing a pair of his sweatpants, too, while I was still only wearing Chris's boxers.

William shrugged, "we could just all stay in and watch a movie, right?" I nodded, that was a good idea, because that meant I had to do nothing but lay down and maybe cuddle with Chris. Chris grabbed the TV remote and turned it on, switching to the Netflix app.

Noora stood up from her position on the couch, "Elle and I will get some snacks." I dragged myself off the couch and followed her to the kitchen. She poured some chips into a bowl and then turned to me, grinning. "So, Chris, huh?"

I grinned back at her, "so, William, huh?" She smiled and grabbed another bag of snacks, ripping it open and pouring them into a different bowl.

"Did you guys..?" she trailed off, letting me figure out what she meant.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, "no, we didn't. I told him I wouldn't." Noora's eyebrows raised and she looked at me in disbelief.

"Chris Schistad let a girl sleep in a bed with him and didn't even have sex with her?"

I smirked, "he didn't even try."

"That's so sweet," Noora cooed. I nodded, grabbing one of the bowls and returning to the living room. I placed it on the table in front of the couch and sat back down next to Chris, now with my body towards him and my feet away from him, so I was closer. The boys picked out Satanic, and I smiled. They weren't going to get me phased with a little horror. Plus, Sarah Hyland played in that movie, and she was one of my favorite actresses.

Halfway through the movie, Chris whispered in my ear, "scared yet?" I scoffed and shook my head, not turning my eyes away from the screen. Chris buried his head in my neck whilst looking at the movie, and we sat like that for the rest of the it. My phone pinged, signaling that I got a notification.

Mom: when are you coming

Elle: not too long from now i think.
we're all hanging out at william's.

Mom: who's we?

Elle: William, Noora, Chris and I.

Mom: that Chris from the
other day?

Elle: yes.

Mom: :)

I locked my phone and heard a chuckle from besides me. "Your mom loves me," Chris remarked.

"I'm not going to lie, she does," I grinned.

"Hmm, good," Chris mumbled in satisfaction. I checked the time, it was half past two already.

"Can you drive me home?" I asked Chris. He nodded and I stood up, running upstairs. I put on my pair of blue skinny jeans from the night before and stuffed Chris's shirt in it. I took the rest of my clothes and stuffed them in the small bag I brought yesterday. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs, throwing the bag over my shoulder.

"Ready?" Chris asked as he turned to me. He was standing in the middle of the living room, grey nike sweatpants hung loosely around his waist and a plain black shirt hugged his features.

"Ready," I confirmed, nodding. I waved a good-bye to Noora and William before walking to the hallway, where my black leather jacket was hanging on the coat rack. I slipped it on and walked outside, where Chris was already getting into his car. He drove me home in silence, the only sound in the car being from his low-volumed radio. His big hand rested on my thigh the entire way home and I smiled to myself.

"We're here," Chris announced, parking the car at the side of the road. I was surprised he even remembered how to get to my house. I got out of the car and Chris did the same, walking around it to stand in front of me.

"I had fun today," I admitted, smiling up at the tall boy. He nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, me too." I was ready to turn around and walk towards the house, but he stopped me. "Hey, no goodbye kiss?" he pouted. I smiled and grabbed his cheeks, pecking his lips before turning around and walking towards the door, looking back once more to see him smiling at me.

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