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Getting to school the next day was weird. I felt Chris stare at me as I walked across the courtyard to meet with my friends. "He's staring at you so much," Noora grinned.

"Maybe if you'll date him I can get closer to William," Vilde smiled. I looked at Noora and giggled, giving her a knowing look.

"But she won't date him," Sana scoffed, "hook up with him, maybe. He's not a datable person." I laughed at Sana while Vilde looked very annoyed.

"I think he could be nice if he tried a little," Eva shrugged, looking at him on the other side of the courtyard.

I chuckled, "I don't think so, Eva. He can be a sweetheart one moment and be making out with a random chick the next. I don't think he could change his nature to be like that."

"I don't know," Noora murmured, "he's always looking at you, even right now. He's staring at you non-stop. I saw him getting on the bus with you yesterday while his friends drove his car. I don't think he'd do that for just anyone."

"He did what?" Eva exclaimed, "that's adorable!" I hushed her, quickly glancing over to Chris to see if he noticed we were talking about him. He was looking right back at me, biting his lip, but he didn't seem to realize we were talking about him. My stomach turned a little at the lip bite, but I ignored it as I continued my conversation with the girls. The bell rang and we made our way inside.

"Hey," someone grabbed my arm and pulled me aside, "thanks again for yesterday." I looked up at Chris, nodding.

"Any time," I nonchalantly responded.

"I mean, not only for letting me stay at your house, but also for being fun to be around," he made a weird face, "if that makes sense."

I smiled up at the tall boy, "yeah it does. Thank you, too. You know, for being fun to be around." He smiled and put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Any time," he mocked my words, grinning. I looked up only to see the hallway was almost empty.

"Shit," I cursed, "I've gotta get to class." With that, I scurried off, not even giving Chris a last glance.

In lunch break, the group sat outside, as it was starting to warm up again and we didn't mind the cold that was still there from winter. "What was up with Chris this morning, after the bell rang?" Noora smirked. I rolled my eyes, that boy was literally all we talked about.

"He said thanks for yesterday, because I let him wait for his friends at my house," I simply responded. The girls smiled at me, except for Sana. I laughed in myself. You gotta love Sana.

"This week is going so slow already, and it's only Tuesday," Eva groaned. Everyone agreed with her, sighing. All of us wanted it to be Friday again for specific reasons. Chris wanted it for the party, and so did Eva. Sana wanted it for the weekend. Vilde wanted it so she could see William again. Noora also wanted to see William again, although she'd never admit that. And I, I wanted it to be Friday so I could dance with Chris at the party. I was looking forward to it more than I wanted.


"Huh?" my head shot up to look at Chris, "I'm sorry, say that again?"

"We were thinking about doing a buss meeting Thursday, at Noora's place," Chris repeated herself.

"Oh," I nodded, "that's alright." Noora narrowed her eyes at me, trying to figure out what I was thinking so deeply about. The bell rang and everyone walked back inside the school, but Noora kept me out on the courtyard.

"What were you thinking about so much that you couldn't even have a normal conversation with us?" she asked, worry laced in her voice.

I sighed deeply, "Chris," I confessed. "He's been consuming my mind for days now, and I hate it."

"What happened yesterday?" she pushed, eager to know what was going on.

"Um," I thought a little about how I was going to explain this, "he hung out at my house for a while, waiting for his friends, right?" Noora nodded. "Well, he met my mom and sister, and they love him," I sighed, "my sister blurted something about me stalking his instagram and he grinned at that — a lot. Then when he left, he touched my cheek in such a sweet way and hugged me. I swear he's such a good hugger," I breathed. "And I guess I just can't get him out of my head right now."

"Awe," Noora muttered, hugging me. Then she pulled back and grinned at me, "you like him." I didn't even fight her words as I let my head rest on her shoulder.

"How are William and you?" I then asked, changing the subject. Noora smiled, but then sighed.

"He's basically forced me to go on a date with him. He said he won't stop torturing Vilde if I don't. At one side it's so sweet that he's trying so hard for me and on the other side it's such a dick move, mostly towards Vilde," she rambled. I nodded understandingly.

"How did we both get so tangled up with such bad boys, huh?" I chuckled. Noora laughed and pushed my shoulder.

"For the record, I'm not tangled up with him, I have to go on one date," she protested.

I laughed at her comment, "sure you are."

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