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"Can't. Have a buss meeting this afternoon," I declined Chris's proposal to hang out this afternoon. He sighed and leaned back into his seat. "Blame Vilde," I added, not wanting him to blame me.

"Oh, trust me, I am," Chris smiled as he turned his head to look at me. I smiled and leaned over, pecking his lips. "Can I come over tonight, though? It's Monday, you're free right?" he then asked.

I thought for a second and then nodded, "yes, you can come over tonight, but you're sleeping at your own place," I warned. He sighed deeply but nodded, agreeing to my terms.

"I don't get it though," he spoke up after a minute of silence, "you love sleeping in my arms." I laughed and he grinned up at me, satisfied by his own comment.

"I have to go," I changed the subject — like hell I was going to admit that I loved Chris wrapped around me when I slept. "Class is starting soon and I want to catch up with the girls before that."

"Okay," Chris whispered, leaning in to kiss me once more. We then both got out of his car and Chris walked towards the place where his friends usually were, while I searched for my friends across the courtyard only to find them at a bench in the back.

"Good morning!" I chirped arriving at my small group of friends. Eva hugged me with a smile and the rest of the girls just smiled at me.

"You sound happy," Sana remarked with an eyebrow raised. I grinned at her and shrugged. Sana rolled her eyes, sighing, "tell us already!"

"Well, Chris slept over at my place yesterday night. I mean, he wasn't supposed to, but we were cuddling on my bed and ended up falling asleep. He's been so sweet lately, behaving like a real boyfriend. I feel like he's really trying for me," I explained, keeping my voice low but enthusiastic as I spoke.

"That's great!" Vilde exclaimed, "you guys honestly fit so well together. I'm really happy for you." I smiled at my blonde friend gratefully, grabbing her hand and squeezing it as I did so.

"Nothing's official yet, though," I quickly said, making sure my friends wouldn't become overly excited over nothing.

"Yet," Noora wiggled her eyebrows, "which means it's going to happen." I shot her a look saying a thousand words, but most importantly it said shut up, because I'll tell Vilde about William and you. Noora put her hands up in a surrendering manner, quickly keeping quiet.

"I have to go to the bathroom before class starts, anyone want to come with me? Feel free," I said, turning around. Chris chuckled before she turned to talk to Sana, okay so not Chris. Noora quickly caught up with me when she noticed no one else was coming.

"I think I'm going to tell Vilde about William and me this afternoon," she spoke nervously. I turned to her with a surprised look on my face as I pushed the school doors open.

"Really? That's great!" I exclaimed, "she deserves to know. I think it'll be closure for her. You know, so she can finally let William go?" Noora nodded and smiled, walking into the bathroom before me and locking herself in one of the stalls. I did the same and washed my hands after I was done. Noora still wasn't done, so I pulled out my phone and started making selfies in the bathroom mirror. As I scrolled through them, Noora came out and stood beside me as she washed her hands.

"You should post that one on instagram," she said, nodding her head towards my phone. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Really?" I asked. Noora nodded.

"Yeah, you look great," she commented, wiping her hands with the paper towels stacked in the bathroom before throwing them into the trash can. I prepared the post on instagram and then clicked post.

ellejensento all the boys wondering what a ladies' bathroom looks like, this is your lucky day

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to all the boys wondering what a ladies' bathroom looks like, this is your lucky day. also i didn't spend time on my appearance this morning and i look like a 947 year old vampire.
962 likes | 189 comments

ellevillevillde god my best friend is so pretty !!!!!

evamohn2 shut up you look better now than when i spend three hours in the bathroom getting ready.

magnussonwilliam girl... you look good !

loglady99 @magnussonwilliam i can literally see you creepin'

ellevillevillde @loglady99 he's a free man, right?

magnussonwilliam @loglady99 sorry.. but you gotta admit Elle looks bomb af

ellejensen that's the spirit best friend ! @magnussonwilliam

chrisschistad @magnussonwilliam too bad she's all mine...

username woah @chrisschistad

username1 look at chris's comment @username2 @username3

therealsanabakkoush hell's about to break loose...

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