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Something shifted under my arms, lifting the limbs ever so slightly as it tried to get out underneath of them. Chris. I groaned as I let my arms wrap around his neck again, pulling him back into me. The cold that had instantly replaced Chris's warmth when he tried to get away, left again and was replaced by Chris's warm body. "Baby," he chuckled, "we need to get up." I sighed and blew some hair out of my face, not bothering to open my eyes.

"We don't need to do anything," I smartly commented, "everything in life is a choice." My voice couldn't have been much more than a soft mumble, but Chris laughed at my words anyway.

"Maybe so, but choices have consequences. And if we stay here and skip school right now, the consequence is that we have to go to dentention, and you wouldn't want that now, would you?" Chris smirked against the skin of my neck.

"Ugh," I fake barfed, "you're so smart it's nauseating." Chris laughed through his nose, kissing my neck before ninja attacking me, trying to get away from my grip.

"Ha, gotcha!" he yelled in triumph as he finally got loose from me, "you're one strong girl for your looks." My eyes immediately shot open and I sat up, taking full offense for his remark.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I frowned childishly, "do I not look strong? Is it because I'm a girl? What do you have against me?"

"Nothing," Chris laughed, pulling me out of bed by my arm, "I just hadn't expected those kind of muscles from you." I scoffed and pushed past him, into my bathroom. Please God forgive me for being a childish butthole in the morning. Chris followed me into my bathroom soon after, finding the blue toothbrush he'd used a couple times before and brushing his teeth with it.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I asked, trying to fix the brown ball of hair on top of my head. Chris shrugged.

"Something simple, I still have to drive by my house to change before school," he responded. I nodded and walked downstairs with my pajamas still on. I made three bowls of cereal and put one in the fridge for Nadine, not caring if it would get soggy before she came downstairs. Chris came downstairs seconds after and ate his cereal in silence. I ran upstairs and did everything I had to do to look the slightest bit presentable for the day — which wasn't a lot, seeing I didn't really care what I looked like. After getting ready I quickly threw on my glasses, figuring lenses would take way too long today. I ran downstairs to see Chris ready with his car keys in his hands.

"Let's go," I sighed, appreciating the fact that he waited for me so I could drive to school with him. He kissed my cheek and walked towards his car.

"Nadine, your cereal's in the fridge getting soggy! I'm leaving for school! Bye mom!" I yelled upstairs, not caring if my mom and sister were awake or not. I then closed the white door behind me and walked towards Chris's car. I put my school bag in front of my seat and sat down. Chris quickly speeded off to his house. Arriving there, he unlocked the door as fast as he could and ran inside, while I walked in calmly, plopping down on his couch. Five minutes later, Chris was back downstairs and ready. I admired his speed and got up from the couch, ready to leave.

"Can I connect Spotify?" I asked as I sat down in his car. The drive from Chris's apartment to school was actually quite long, and I'd love to hear some music right now. Chris pushed a few buttons and soon the audio system in the car made a weird bleep.

"Just go to Spotify and click on 'devices', it'll be in there," he instructed. I nodded and clicked on the device shown, making it turn green on my phone screen. I scrolled through my songs for a while until I found one I liked. I sang along and Chris held back a laugh, smiling widely at my failed attempt to sing.

"Are you laughing at me?" the same frown from that morning reappeared on my face and I mentally slapped myself for being so damn childish. However, Chris just chuckled at my childish behavior.

"You sound like a dying goat," he laughed. I slapped his shoulder, offended by his remark. "Woah, just saying the truth. You wouldn't want me to lie to you, right?" I scoffed and he chuckled yet again. "You're cute."

I couldn't help but smile at that. "You're not in a place to say such thing right now," I tried to sound annoyed, but I didn't succeed. He just smiled and didn't reply as he kept looking out of the front window, focussing on the road.

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