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I'm SO sorry for not updating in ages. I've been busy and I haven't been on wattpad in a long time. I'll be more active again and publish new chapters more often !!

"Can I sleep over tonight?" Chris asked as he walked into my room. I looked up from my phone, eyeing him before chuckling.

"We have school tomorrow. Plus you don't have any clean clothes here, so no, I don't think so," I argued. Chris groaned.

"I don't feel like driving all the way back to my apartment. It's so far from here," he whined. I stuck out my tongue, laughing at him while doing so. That earned me a tackle down on the bed. "Are you laughing at me?" Chris raised his eyebrow and I narrowed my eyes at him.


"Oh now you're getting it," Chris dug his fingers into the sides of my waist, making me squirm under his grip. The feeling of his hands at my sides was a tingly one, rather than tickly. I smiled and let out a loud laugh as I tried pushing his large hands away, but of course he was way too strong for my slim figure.

"C'mon Chris, this is pure torture," I whined before giggling loudly. Chris didn't respond, instead digging his index fingers even deeper into my skin. Tickling me was one of the worst things anyone could possibly do to me, it made me feel pure hatred for whoever did it instantly. However, when Chris did it, it was kind of funny.

"God, I can't wait for America," Chris suddenly sighed, now just grabbing my waist as he smiled down at me.

I shifted from my position, sitting up slightly and letting my body rest on my elbows as I looked up to him. "I'm glad," I whispered.

"Hey," Chris shoved my side playfully, making me lose balance and dropping back on the bed, "we're going to make it fun. I promise. We're going to go out to all the beautiful places while we're there and party, of course," he smirked.

I chuckled, "okay," I agreed softly. Chris let his body fall onto mine and he nuzzled his nose into my neck, tickling the skin there. I wrapped my arms around his neck and let my hands run through his long hair, kissing the top of his head softly.

"I admire your way of handling this," Chris then stated. I frowned and shifted in my position so I could look him in the eye.

"Handling what?" I was purely confused in that moment, looking at the boy I'd almost called my boyfriend earlier that day with furrowed eyebrows and a questioning frown on my lips.

"This thing with your dad," Chris explained himself, "I love the way you look at it. He gets what he gives, right? I mean, you were being kind of harsh, yes, but I bet he deserved all of it." I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, he totally had that coming. The thing is, though, that I can't tell him that to his face. I want to; I want to tell him how heartbroken I was — still am. I want to tell him that him leaving was the worst thing ever happened to me, but I can't. I don't know why, I just can't say it," I confessed frustratedly.

"That's because you love him, Roxelle," Chris smiled. I narrowed my eyes at him but gave in to his words, he was my dad, of course I loved him. No matter what, part of me would always love him.

"I guess so," I whispered, playing with Chris's soft hair, fiddling it between my index finger and thumb until my fingers were almost sore. Chris just let me. He didn't say a word, he just let me play with his hair and let me think my train wreck of thoughts for a few moments until I decided to speak up.

"I appreciate you, Chris," I spoke softly, my voice was barely noticable and couldn't have been heard if there would've been any other kind of noise in the room. But there wasn't, and he heard it. And as a response, he smiled.

"That's good," he mused, his voice almost as soft as mine, "I appreciate you, too." We laid in silence for a while again, just enjoying each others presence as I played with the long strands of his hair and he played with the hem of my sweater. He let his arms wrap around my bare waist under my sweater, his cold hands making me shiver. I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my nose into his hair, closing my eyes. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep. Looks like Chris was going to spend the night anyway.

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