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The last bell rang, the noise so loud that it almost gave me a headache. It was Thursday, the day of the buss meeting. Yesterday had gone by slow and nothing really interesting had happened. I quickly put my books back in my bag and hurried out of class, to the bench on the courtyard where the group agreed to meet each other. "How was your day?" Eva sighed, standing beside me.

"Slow," I muttered, "I can't wait for tomorrow." Eva nodded and hugged Chris when she came walking out of the school. Soon enough, the entire group was there and we went to Noora's place.

"Hallå," Eskild hugged me as soon as I walked into the apartment, "how have you been?"

I smiled and hugged him back, "good, thank you," I pulled back, "let me guess, you got food and drinks for the meeting." Eskild grinned and nodded.

"So," Sana began once we all sat down, "we've found our '97 guys, now all you've got to do is hook up with them." We nodded and Noora rolled her eyes, she was still not planning on hooking up with random guys.

"I can try and hook up with William again," Vilde smiled, thinking back to the first party. Sana nodded, although she knew William wasn't interested.

"Elle, do you think you can get Chris to hook up with you?" Sana asked me. My stomach turned I'm pretty sure my cheeks were burning.

"Yeah, I think so," I shrugged, trying to play it cool.

Sana nodded, "then that's your goal for tomorrow." Before I had the chance to respond, Eskild walked in with bowls of potato chips.

"Snacks!" He yelled, placing the bowls down on the table, "what do you girls want to drink?" We all told him what we'd like and I offered to help him before following him towards the kitchen.

"So, I heard Chris and you are hitting it off?" Eskild grinned at me, "good job, he's adorable."

I scoffed,  "adorable? He's not adorable, he's hot," I corrected him. "If he were adorable, that'd mean he'd be a cute person, but he's not. He's an asshole. Which, if you think about it, makes him even hotter," I rambled.

Eskild chuckled, "who cares? All that matters is that tomorrow evening, your lips are going to be locked with his," he wiggled his eyebrows and clacked his tongue. I laughed and picked up the glasses with ice tea, bringing them back to where the girls were.

"Oh, hi guys," Linn came out of her room in a sweater and a pair of sweats. Her strawberry blonde hair was put up in a messy bun and a mug was in her hands.

"Hi, Linn," I greeted her, and so did the girls. She sent us a small smile before walking off into the kitchen and starting a conversation with Eskild.

"Where were we?" I asked, sitting down next to Noora again. I waited as everyone gulped down their drinks thirstily.

"Hook-ups," Chris then stated. "So, Elle is going for Christoffer. Vilde will try William and I'll hook up with whoever wants me," she smiled. I laughed at her statement. We talked for a while about the important things such as budget and getting ourselves invited to big parties. Then we all decided to go home. I hugged the girls goodbye and waved to Eskild and Linn before walking out and taking the bus home.

"I'm back!" I yelled as I unlocked the front door. As a response I got a faint 'hey' from both my mom and sister. I shrugged of my coat and threw off my shoes before grabbing some strawberries from the kitchen, walking over to the couch and plopping myself down. I reached for the charger and plugged in my almost dead phone, "just in time," I mumbled. I scrolled trough my notifications and saw one that interested me.

from Chris Schistad

I clicked on the notification and typed in my password to unlock my phone.

I clicked on the notification and typed in my password to unlock my phone

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I chuckled and replied;

He went to the chat and said something along the lines of 'you always look good'

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He went to the chat and said something along the lines of 'you always look good'. I couldn't help but blush a little at his compliment. I stuffed another strawberry into my mouth and scrolled trough instagram for a while. Then I stumbled upon one of William's posts.

 Then I stumbled upon one of William's posts

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jamming with the bro.
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I gulped, Chris's arms, bro. I hesitated for a while, but decided to comment on the post.

ellejensen looking fly @chrisschistad

It didn't take long before I got a reply.

chrisschistad just for you 😏 @ellejensen

I grinned at his reply and turned off my phone. I think I have a pretty good chance on hooking up with him tomorrow.

"Elle?" my mom called, "dinner's ready in ten minutes, sweetie!" I yelled and 'okay' back and started to fantasize about the way Chris would kiss. After a couple minutes I stood up to wash my hands and ate dinner with my mom and my sister.

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