Chapter 20

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9 months later

Jane pov...

Since having Jordan it changed my life, I now had someone who fully relied on me for everything. After eight months of being at home with Jordan I went back to work. It was hard as I would think about Jordan but she was at home with Ma until when she turns one and she would start going to daycare.

We made the unit back to normal with Frost, Korsak, Frankie Maura and I working all together. We got to one case where the murderer didn't want to be arrested and shot me in the arm before trying to run, he was stopped by Frost but I had the thought of I just got shot and could have died. I don't want Jordan to have to grow up without me so I knew after that day that my work in the field was over. I spoke to Cavanaugh about it and he told me a position in recruits had just opened. I would still work here at BPD but wouldn't got out in the field as I would be incharge of training the new recruits with shooting, fighting, fitness and methods of procedures. It was definitely a change for me but I enjoyed it. I still see the guys and Maura at work but I don't work with them anymore. Ma definitely liked having me out of the field as she said "it worries her too much".

The nightmares have almost completely gone with me getting them on rare nights. I can't imagine not having Jordan now.

I get myself and Jordan ready for the day and head to Ma's house as she wants to take Jordan out for the day instead of spending the day at my house like normal. I get there and we talk for a few minutes before I say goodbye to her and Jordan and head into work. I meet up with the guys and Maura in the cafe for breakfast, we have started it so now we have breakfast together before our shifts start once a week. We finish eating and talking before heading off to the different areas of the building.

I go to the fitness room as today for something different we are doing hand to hand fighting and how to defend yourself in different situations. It's a fun exercise and I get to take part and show some things I learnt over the years. They all seem to do fairly well in the situations given to them, of course it's different when it's real but practice will always help.

We finish for the day and I shower and get changed before going over to Ma's house. I stay around for a little bit talking and playing games with Jordan before saying goodbye to them and telling Ma I should be back in a few hours. I head out to a restaurant that Pete picked out, we started talking since we meet at the coffee stand one day before a shift. Since then we talked a few times and convinced me to go a date with him. We get along well, he knows about Jordan, he can make me laugh, and not to mention he doesn't look to bad either.

Authors note...
Thank you to everyone who has read, voted or commented it means a lot to me.
I thought it was time to end this as I ran out of ideas and don't have much time for writing anymore, the joys of growing older.

Jane's nightmare ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz