Chapter 10

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Jane pov...

I get up in the morning and go to buy paint as I want to get the baby's room ready now as I have time off work.

I decide that I am going to make a gender neutral room so I am going to have white walls and paint animals on it. One thing I hid from everyone is I can paint well, I know how to get the details on each thing.

I get home and prep the room and put a sheet on the floor incase paint drips. I paint the entire room white first and leave it to dry. It takes half the day to dry and I put a second coat of paint on and I will start painting the animals on tomorrow.

The next three days I spend painting, I made the walls have trees with monkeys hanging from them and giraffes eating the leaves, I paint an elephant, zebra and a penguin. I also paint the world Jordan in the middle of the wall opposite the door. It looks good and I am happy with it. The room dries and I decide to start getting a few things I need so I go back to the baby store and Kate is working again.

Together we pick out a crib, highchair, drawers, changing table, pram, car seat and a rocking seat. I start to buy some bottles, pacifiers, toys, and some clothes that can be for either gender.
I know it's early to start buying but I want to be ready and know that I have what I need.
Kate volunteers to help take everything to my house and help to set it up. I tell her that she doesn't need to as she has helped a lot already. She insists on helping and she has finished work for the day as she was only working a half day so she is free to help.

We take all the stuff home and set the room up so you walk into the room and the crib is in front of you and is just the right size to have to word Jordan above it, the drawers and changing table are to the left, I put the rocking chair in the corner to the right and set the car seat and pram up next to them. I put all the little things away in the drawers. When we are finished Kate says "this room looks great and I love the painting"
I smile and say "thanks, I did all the painting over the last few days"
She asks "did you use stencils or anything to paint the animals?"
I say "no, I was all freehand"
She says "wow, that is amazing"
I say "thanks"
She says "Jordan"
I nod and say "ever since I was little I always wanted the name Jordan for my child if I had one and Jordan is a name that could be for a boy or girl"
She smiles and says "it's perfect, I like it"
I say "thanks and we talk for a while longer about how she always wanted to work as a police officer but was too nervous to join, we talk about my job which makes her think that she will sign up as she wants to help people more. She likes working in the baby store but it was just a job to get started not something she wants to do forever. We talk about other parts of our lives before she leaves to go home as it was getting late.

I am happy that most of my baby's room is set up now, I lock the door so that it is a surprise to everyone when I let them see it later on.

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